Nutria events

Travel lecture: in the embrace of the land (David Stegu) Potopisno predavanje: V OBJEMU DEŽELE (David Stegu)

culture sport lecture

Bishop David Stegu has just published his second book in the embrace of the land with the subtitle impressions of the Slovenian mountain trail.

It is known that Slovenians know our wonderful route (too)a little, which was also thought out during the journey by David Stegu, who in the summer of 2022 walked the Slovenian mountain trail from Maribor to Debeli RTIC in one piece. According to official data, the length of the Slovenian transversal is 616 kilometers with 37,300 altitude meters of ascent and 37,600 altitude meters of descent. Although by that time the author and hiker had the opportunity to visit quite a few beautiful places around the world and also climb high into the mountains there, which he writes in his first book, Why not?, he was so impressed by the four-week journey through our land that he wrote his second book about it.

The travelogue is complemented by the insights and teachings with which this experience has greatly enriched him. On the one hand, it has significantly upgraded his past experiences, and on the other hand, it offers a lot of important content, findings and incentives, which are very directly related not only to the places around us, but also to the challenges of the time, which require us to make the most correct decisions. The path through the Slovenian plateaus, over hills and mountains and through unspoiled forests still offers so much wilderness and authenticity that it can quite obviously expose many things that are hidden or difficult to reach in the Valley. In its immediate physical complexity, it thus enables valuable insights that can be transferred to other areas.

Škofjeloški rojak David Stegu pravkar izdal svojo drugo knjigo V objemu dežele s podnaslovom Vtisi po prehojeni Slovenski planinski poti.

Znano je, da Slovenci našo čudovito pot (pre)malo poznamo, kar je med potjo premišljeval tudi David Stegu, ki je poleti leta 2022 v enem kosu prehodil Slovensko planinsko pot od Maribora do Debelega rtiča. Glede na uradne podatke znaša dolžina slovenske transverzale 616 kilometrov s 37.300 višinskimi metri vzpona in 37.600 višinskimi metri spusta. Čeprav je imel avtor in pohodnik dotlej možnost obiskati že kar nekaj čudovitih krajev po svetu in se tam tudi povzpeti visoko v gore, kar piše v svoji prvi knjigi Zakaj pa ne?, ga je štiritedenska pot po naši deželi tako navdušila, da je o njej napisal svojo drugo knjigo.

Potopis dopolnjujejo spoznanja in nauki, s katerimi ga je ta izkušnja močno obogatila. Po eni strani je pomembno nadgradila njegova pretekla izkustva, po drugi strani pa ponuja veliko pomembnih vsebin, dognanj in spodbud, ki so zelo neposredno povezana ne zgolj s kraji okoli nas marveč tudi z izzivi časa, ki od nas zahtevajo kar najbolj pravilne odločitve. Pot po slovenskih planotah, čez hribe in gore ter skozi neokrnjene gozdove še vedno nudi toliko divjine in pristnosti, da lahko povsem očitno odstre marsikaj, kar nam je v dolini skrito ali težje dosegljivo. V svoji neposredni fizični zahtevnosti tako omogoča dragocene uvide, ki jih lahko prenašamo na druga področja.

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Krajevna knjižnica Žiri
Location: Tabor 2, Žiri, 4226 Žiri