Nutria events

Travel lecture: Lebanon - between a venerable past and an unpredictable future, traveler and photographer Iztok Boncina Potopisno predavanje: Libanon – Med častitljivo preteklostjo in nepredvidljivo prihodnostjo, popotnik in fotograf Iztok Bončina

ethnology lecture

When you enter Lebanon, you step on the ground of a truly old, historical land with thousands of years of continuous settlement. The country boasts many beautifully preserved ancient shrines and a colorful interweaving of different peoples and cultures. However, Lebanon's economic, political and security image is rather precarious and unstable. For some time now, demonstrations against the government have been taking place in the center of Lebanon's major cities, and the clashes of the military organization Hezbollah with Israel also cause a lot of suffering and destruction. The capital Beirut was once called the Paris of the Middle East for its charm and attractiveness, and the echo of this alluring image can still be perceived here and there. The exact opposite, however, is the area of Sabra and Shatila, suburban settlements where Palestinian refugees have lived for decades. The interior of this Mediterranean country is distinguished by great contrasts, where orange trees grow luxuriantly in the valleys of the rugged landscape, and snowstorms spread across the mountains at the same time. Although it may sound strange, Lebanon is also famous as an attractive ski destination with kilometers of extremely beautiful and well-groomed slopes.

Ko vstopiš v Libanon, stopiš na tla resnično stare, zgodovinske dežele z večtisočletno neprekinjeno poselitvijo. Dežela se ponaša s številnimi lepo ohranjenimi antičnimi svetišči in pisanim prepletom raznih ljudstev in kultur. So pa gospodarska, politična in varnostna podoba Libanona precej negotove in nestabilne. Že nekaj časa v središču večjih mest Libanona potekajo demonstracije proti vladi, tudi spopadi vojaške organizacije Hezbolah z Izraelom povzročajo veliko trpljenja in uničenja. Prestolnico Bejrut so nekoč zaradi šarma in privlačnosti imenovali Pariz Bližnjega vzhoda in odmev te mikavne podobe lahko tu in tam še vedno zaznamo. Pravo nasprotje pa je območje Sabre in Šatile, predmestnih naselij, kjer že desetletja živijo palestinski begunci. Notranjost te sredozemske države pa odlikujejo velika nasprotja, kjer v dolinah razgibane pokrajine bujno uspevajo pomaranče, po gorah pa hkrati razsajajo snežni viharji. Čeprav se morda sliši nenavadno, slovi Libanon tudi kot privlačna smučarska destinacija s kilometri izjemno lepih in urejenih prog.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Zavod za kulturo, turizem in šport Murska Sobota
Ulica Štefana Kovača 30, 9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenija
02 521 43 80
Location: Gledališče Park Murska Sobota