On the occasion of the cultural holiday – Preseren's day – we are preparing a very special offer in the rustic bread house, which we called “Doctor fig”. According to one explanation, France Preseren likes to distribute dried figs to children, which is why he was nicknamed Doctor fig. But we remember him by offering products with figs: buckwheat bread with figs, cream pie with fig jam and cake with vanilla biscuit, mascarpone cream with caramel, fig disc and fig jam.
Ob obeležitvi kulturnega praznika – Prešernovega dne – v Rustjevi hiši kruha pripravljamo prav posebno ponudbo, ki smo jo poimenovali “Doktor fig”. Po eni izmed razlag naj bi namreč France Prešeren otrokom rad delil suhe fige, zato so mu nadeli vzdevek Doktor fig. Mi pa se ga spominjamo s ponudbo izdelkov s figami: ajdov kruh s figami, kremna pita s figovo marmelado in tortica z vaniljevim biskvitom, mascarpone kremo s karamelo, figovim diskom in figovo marmelado.