Nutria events

Pop Nation / Marino Pop Nation | Marino


Mysterious shy creatures that have stirred the imagination of many adventurers and pleasure seekers since antiquity, this Friday will rise from the depths and take the Tiffan club with their girlish voice in an overwhelming way.

POP NATION is a relaxed and popular Friday night party where LGBT people can be who we are. Free and relaxed people having fun under the proud rainbow flag! 🏳️‍🌈🎉

Sing it! / Dance it! / Love it! ❤️

Pop Nation-the most queer entertainment in town.

/ DJ Marino / 7. 2. 2025 ▲ 23.00 – 5.00 ▲

Design: Jakob Golob

In addition to its own contribution, the programme of the Cultural Centre of the city of Ljubljana is supported by the Office for youth of the city of Ljubljana, the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for youth and JAK.

Skrivnostna sramežljiva bitja, ki že od antike razvnemajo domišljijo mnogih avanturistov in iskalcev užitka, se bodo ta petek dvignila iz globočin in s svojim dekliškim glasom prešerno zavzela klub Tiffany.

POP NATION je sproščena in priljubljena petkova zabava, kjer smo LGBT osebe lahko to kar smo. Svobodni in sproščeni ljudje, ki se zabavajo pod ponosno mavrično zastavo! 🏳️‍🌈🎉

Sing it! 🎤 Dance it! 💃 Love it! ❤️

Pop Nation – najbolj kvir zabava v mestu.

▲ DJ Marino ▲ 7. 2. 2025 ▲ 23.00 – 5.00 ▲

Oblikovanje: Jakob Golob

Program Kulturnega centra Q poleg lastnega vložka podpirajo Urad za mladino Mestne občine Ljubljana, Urad Republike Slovenije za mladino in JAK.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kulturni center Q
Masarykova cesta 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Location: Klub Tiffany, Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana