Nutria events

Hike along the Ashkertsky path Pohod po Aškerčevi poti


Invited to 29. the traditional march commemorating the day of the death of the poet Anton Ashkerz (10. June) and the third march of the campaign along the LAZ trails in 2025.

The path will lead us through the places most closely connected with the poet's childhood and growing up. From Zidani most we will pass through settlements and hamlets Shirje, Bresno, guards, Lukovica, Senozete to Rimske Toplice.

The end of the hike will take place at 11.00 at the Ashkertsev homestead in hayfields with a short cultural program, and within the framework of the open day, the Anton Ashkerts Memorial House (Ethnological Museum) will be on display. This year's keynote speaker will be …

* Starting point of the hike: Zidani Most Railway Station (GPS: 46.085465, 15.171131)

* Type of hike: cultural and recreational hike

* Start: at 7.30 in front of the railway station in Zidani most

* Difficulty: Medium difficulty route

* Duration: 3 hours (including stops)

* Route length: 9,3 km (Zidani Most-ZP Rimske Toplice)

* Lowest point of the route: 216 m

* Highest point of the Route: 537 m

Entry fee EUR, with lunch EUR.

Route map

Transfer from Rimske Toplice to Zidani Most by train-at 6.39 from the front of RIMSKE Toplice.

Train schedule SZ

This year, exceptionally, a special train will be organized for the participants of the hike, which will depart from the RIMSKE Toplice to Zidani Most at 7.30 am! Transportation is free for hikers.

From 6.45 onwards, the transport of hikers by van from Rimske Toplice (roundabout at the shower shop, or from the front of the Rimske Toplice TIC) will also be organized.

Organizer: Kd Anton Ashkerc Rimske Toplice in cooperation with the associations KS Rimske Toplice and KS Zidani Most, Anton Ashkerc RIMSKE Toplice primary school and the Ashkerc family

As part of the organized hikes on the LAZ trails 2025 campaign , this is the second hike of the year.

The hike will be in any weather. Hiking shoes and clothing are recommended. Everyone walks at their own risk.

The event will take place entirely outdoors. Follow the rules for using public walking facilities and larger gatherings in general.



medium difficulty route


9,3 km (Zidani Most-ZP Rimske Toplice)


3 hours (including corrections)


entry fee 2 EUR, with lunch 5,00 EUR (guide, banquet along the way, warm snack at the end of the hike on Ashkerchevina)


start at 7.30 in front of Zidani Most railway station


Vabljeni na 29. tradicionalni pohod s katerim obeležujemo dan smrti pesnika Antona Aškerca (10. junij) in tretji pohod akcije Po laških poteh v letu 2025.

Pot nas bo vodila skozi kraje, ki so najtesneje povezani s pesnikovim otroštvom in odraščanjem. Iz Zidanega Mosta se bomo podali skozi naselja in zaselke Širje, Bresno, Straže, Lukovica, Senožete do Rimskih Toplic.

Zaključek pohoda bo ob 11.00 na Aškerčevi domačiji na Senožetih s kratkim kulturnim programom, v okviru dneva odprtih vrat pa bo na ogled spominska hiša Antona Aškerca (etnološki muzej). Letošnji slavnostni govornik na prireditvi bo …

• Izhodišče pohoda: Železniška postaja Zidani Most (GPS: 46.085465, 15.171131)

• Vrsta pohoda: kulturno-rekreativni pohod

• Start: ob 7.30 pred Železniško postajo v Zidanem Mostu

• Zahtevnost: srednje zahtevna pot

• Čas trajanja: 3 ure (skupaj s postanki)

• Dolžina poti: 9,3 km (ŽP Zidani Most – ŽP Rimske Toplice)

• Najnižja točka poti: 216 m

• Najvišja točka poti: 537 m

Startnina EUR, z malico EUR.

Zemljevid poti

Prevoz iz Rimskih Toplic v Zidani Most z vlakom – ob 6.39 izpred ŽP Rimske Toplic.

Vozni red vlakov SŽ

Letos bo izjemoma za udeležence pohoda organiziran poseben vlak, ki bo iz ŽP Rimske Toplice v Zidani Most odpeljal ob 7.30 uri! Prevoz je za pohodnike brezplačen.

Od 6,45 dalje bo organiziran tudi prevoz pohodnikov s kombijem iz Rimskih Toplic (krožišče pri trgovini Tuš, oz izpred TIC-a Rimske Toplice).

Organizator: KD Anton Aškerc Rimske Toplice v sodelovanju z društvi KS Rimske Toplice in KS Zidani Most, OŠ Antona Aškerca Rimske Toplice ter družino Aškerc

V sklopu akcije organiziranih pohodov PO LAŠKIH POTEH 2025 , je to drugi pohod v letu.

Pohod bo v vsakem vremenu. Priporočamo pohodniško obutev in oblačila. Vsak hodi na lastno odgovornost.

Prireditev bo v celoti potekala na prostem. Upoštevajte pravila uporabe javnih pohodnih objektov in večjih druženj na sploh.



srednje zahtevna pot


9,3 km (ŽP Zidani Most – ŽP Rimske Toplice)


3 ure (skupaj s popravki)


startnina 2 EUR, z malico 5,00 EUR (vodenje, pogostitev ob poti, topla malica ob zaključku pohoda na Aškerčevini)


start ob 7.30 pred Železniško postajo Zidani Most


Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
TIC Laško
+386 3 733 89 50
Mobile Phone:
+386 51 305 466
Location: Železniška postaja Zidani Most, Laško