Join us on an organized and guided hike along the well-groomed and marked sports and recreational hiking trail A7 – Pot Na Hum. We will learn about the beauty of Hume and its surroundings, listen to Hume stories and interesting facts, socialize and have a good time in general.
The hike will be guided, drinks will be provided on the way, and at the end of the hike , lunch will be prepared by the chef of the restaurant Pavus Grad Tabor Lasko, Marko Pavcnik.
As part of the 2025 hiking trails campaign , this is the first hike of the year.
* Type of hike: sports and recreational hike
* Starting point: Zg. building square Savinja, in front of Tic-em Lasko, Valvasor's Square 1, Lasko (GPS: 46.154225, 15.235273 )
* Start: at 09.00
* Difficulty: Medium difficulty by t
* Duration Time: 2-3 hours (including stops)
* Length of the trail on the hike: 5 km
* Lowest point of the route: 226 m
* Highest point of the route: 583 m
* Course of the route: Lasko, Tabor Castle, Huma peak, Zahum, Blaise rock, Tabor Castle, Lasko .
Entry fee: 10,00 EUR (guidance, animation, drinks along the way, warm snack at Tabor Castle).
Organizer: contact in cooperation with the municipality of Lasko
Sponsor of the hike: local community of Lasko
The hike will be in any weather. Hiking shoes and clothing are recommended. Everyone walks at their own risk.
The event will take place entirely outdoors. Follow the rules for using public walking facilities and larger gatherings in general.
Route map
medium difficulty
4.3 km
2-3 hours (including stops)
Start at 9.00 at Valvasor Square, in front of Tic-em Lasko
Pridružite se nam na organiziranem in vodenem pohodu po urejeni in označeni športno-rekreativni pohodni poti A7 – Pot na Hum. Spoznavali bomo lepote Huma in okolice, prisluhnili humskim zgodbicam in zanimivostim, se družili in se nasploh imeli lepo.
Pohod bo voden, na poti bo poskrbljeno za pijačo, ob zaključku pohoda bo malico pripravil chef restavracije Pavus Grad Tabor Laško , Marko Pavčnik.
V sklopu akcije pohodov Po laških poteh 2025 , je to prvi pohod v letu.
• Vrsta pohoda: športno-rekreativni pohod
• Izhodišče pohoda: Zg. trg objekta Savinja, pred TIC-em Laško , Valvasorjev trg 1, Laško ( GPS: 46.154225, 15.235273 )
• Start: ob 09.00
• Zahtevnost: srednje zahtevna po t
• Čas trajanja: 2-3 ure (skupaj s postanki)
• Dolžina poti na pohodu: 5 km
• Najnižja točka poti: 226 m
• Najvišja točka poti: 583 m
• Potek poti: Laško, grad Tabor, vrh Huma, Zahum, Blaževa skala, grad Tabor, Laško .
Startnina: 10,00 EUR (vodenje, animacija, pijača ob poti, topla malica na gradu Tabor).
Organizator: STIK v sodelovanju z Občino Laško
Sponzor pohoda : Krajevna skupnost Laško
Pohod bo v vsakem vremenu. Priporočamo pohodniško obutev in oblačila. Vsak hodi na lastno odgovornost.
Prireditev bo v celoti potekala na prostem. Upoštevajte pravila uporabe javnih pohodnih objektov in večjih druženj na sploh.
Zemljevid poti
srednje zahtevna
4,3 km
2–3 ure (skupaj s postanki)
Start ob 9.00 na Valvasorjevem trgu, pred TIC-em Laško