You are invited to a guided hike along the former route of The Narrow – Gauge Railway Trobni Dol-Lahomno, along the arranged thematic – tourist hiking trail B4-the path from stil to Log . The hike will be led by a local tourist guide, who in several places along the route will tell a lot of interesting things about the former Narrow-Gauge Railway, the brown coal mine in Trobno DOL and the then life pulse of the surrounding places. The end of the hike with a warm snack and socializing will be in the Streltsy home Little Birch.
As part of the 2025 hiking trails campaign , this is the second hike of the year.
* Type of hike: cultural and recreational hike
* Starting point of the hike: hayrack of the horse breeding Association Vrh nad Laz na Stilke in Tevce (GPS: 46.128615, 15.286763 )
* Start: at 9.00
* Difficulty: easy route
* Duration Time: 3-4 hours (including stops)
* Length: 5.9 km (to one side)
* Lowest point of the Route: 295 m
* Highest point of the route: 490 m
* Course of the trail: along the Lahomnica stream up from the hayrack of the horse breeding Association Vrh nad Laz na Slogi in Tevce, along the Sopote Valley, past the shooting home Mala Breza to Ana rova of the former coal mine Trobni Dol and back.
Entry fee: 10,00 EUR (guided tour, service along the way, warm snack and drink at the shooting lodge Mala Breza, bus transfer on the return from the shooting lodge in Mala Breza to the haystack on Stiliki).
After the event is over (presumably from 13.00), the possibility of bus transport from the Strelski Dom to the haystack on Slogih.
Organizer: Shooting Association Celje company Mala Breza, section for cultural activity in cooperation with STIK
Route map
The hike will be in any weather. Hiking shoes and clothing are recommended. Everyone walks at their own risk.
The event will take place entirely outdoors. Follow the rules for using public walking facilities and larger gatherings in general.
unpretentious path
5.9 km (to one side)
3-4 hours (including stops)
start at 9.00, Tevce pri haystack in styles
Vabljeni na voden pohod po nekdanji trasi ozkotirne železnice Trobni Dol – Lahomno, po urejeni tematsko-turistični pohodni poti B4 – Pot iz Slog v Log . Pohod bo vodil lokalni turistični vodnik, ki bo na več mestih ob poti povedal marsikaj zanimivega o nekdanji ozkotirni železnici, rudniku rjavega premoga v Trobnem Dolu in tedanjem življenjskem utripu okoliških krajev. Zaključek pohoda s toplo malico in druženjem bo v Strelskem domu Mala Breza.
V sklopu akcije pohodov Po laških poteh 2025 , je to drugi pohod v letu.
• Vrsta pohoda: kulturno-rekreativni pohod
• Izhodišče pohoda: kozolec Konjerejskega društva Vrh nad Laškem na Slogih v Tevčah ( GPS: 46.128615, 15.286763 )
• Start: ob 9.00
• Zahtevnost: nezahtevna pot
• Čas trajanja: 3-4 ure (skupaj s postanki)
• Dolžina: 5,9 km (v eno stran)
• Najnižja točka poti: 295 m
• Najvišja točka poti: 490 m
• Potek poti: ob potoku Lahomnica navzgor od kozolca Konjerejskega društva Vrh nad Laškem na Slogih v Tevčah, po dolini Sopote, mimo Strelskega doma Mala Breza do Ana rova nekdanjega rudnika premoga Trobni Dol in nazaj.
Startnina: 10,00 EUR (vodenje, postrežba ob poti, topla malica in pijača pri Strelskem domu Mala Breza, avtobusni prevoz ob povratku od Strelskega doma v Mali Brezi do Kozolca na Slogih).
Po končani prireditvi (predvidoma od 13.00), možnost avtobusnega prevoza od Strelskega doma do Kozolca na Slogih.
Organizator: Strelsko društvo Celjska četa Mala Breza, Sekcija za kulturno dejavnost v sodelovanju s STIK-om
Zemljevid poti
Pohod bo v vsakem vremenu. Priporočamo pohodniško obutev in oblačila. Vsak hodi na lastno odgovornost.
Prireditev bo v celoti potekala na prostem. Upoštevajte pravila uporabe javnih pohodnih objektov in večjih druženj na sploh.
nezahtevna pot
5,9 km (v eno stran)
3-4 ure (skupaj s postanki)
start ob 9.00, Tevče pri Kozolcu v Slogah