Nutria events

Talk Group Pogovorna skupina

lecture social

House fruits company Logatec, +386 (0)70 892 903.

The discussion group I hear and I hear_a , which meets every 14 days on Wednesdays at 10:15 , opens its doors for one or two more participants!

What are we doing?

Every 14 days we meet, discover the beauty and richness of a quality conversation, get to know ourselves and others, and raise topics close to us.

How do the meetings take place?

Conversations take place in a small, closed group, where mutual respect Reigns, where we know how to listen and give each other the space they need.

Who is the group for?

Everyone who says "Call" above and you know that you can commit to regular attendance every 14 days

Who leads the group?

With us is Darja Justinek, Bachelor of psychology and andragogine and master of relational and family therapy. Darja has many years of experience in various fields of work – both in school and in the business environment, has conducted numerous workshops and trainings in the field of communication skills, lectured on topics in the field of psychology and communication.

If such a meeting calls you at least a little, take the opportunity to come and see us on Wednesday, 5.2., when the group opens its doors to a new member or member .

Hiša sadeži družbe Logatec, +386 (0)70 892 903.

Pogovorna skupina Slišim in sem slišan_a , ki se srečuje na vsakih 14 dni ob sredah ob 10:15 , odpira svoja vrata še za enega ali dva nova udeleženca!

✨Kaj počnemo?

Vsakih 14 dni se srečujemo, odkrivamo lepote in bogastvo kakovostnega pogovora, spoznavamo sebe in druge ter odpiramo teme, ki so nam blizu.

✨Kako srečanja potekajo?

Pogovori potekajo v manjši, zaprti skupini, kjer vlada medsebojno spoštovanje, kjer si znamo prisluhniti ter drug drugemu dopustiti prostor, ki ga potrebuje.

✨Komu je skupina namenjena?

Prav vsem, ki vas zgoraj napisano "pokliče" ter veste, da se lahko zavežete redni udeležbi na vsakih 14 dni

✨Kdo vodi skupino?

Z nami je Darja Justinek, dipl. psihologinja in andragoginja ter magistra relacijske in družinske terapije. Darja ima dolgoletne izkušnje z različnih delovnih področij – tako v šoli kot v poslovnem okolju, vodila je številne delavnice in usposabljanja s področja komunikacijskih veščin, predavala teme s področja psihologije in komunikacije.

Če vas takšno srečanje vsaj malo pokliče, izkoristite priložnost in nas pridite pogledat v sredo, 5.2., ko skupina odpira svoja vrata za novega člana ali članico .

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Hiša Sadeži družbe Logatec - SLOVENSKA FILANTROPIJA
Location: Slovenska filantropija - Hiša sadeži družbe Logatec, Tržaška cesta 148, 1370 Logatec