Nutria events

A conversation with the Wilhelmom Heiligerjem, the author of the exhibition Inspired the the colors Pogovor z Wilhelmom Heiligerjem, avtorjem razstave Metafizika barve

culture lecture exhibition

A conversation with the artists Wilhelmom Heiligerjem will take the lead curator of the exhibition Paul Jarc.

The artist, known for his diverse and rich creative oeuvre, will talk about his artistic path, research of color, composition and conceptual backgrounds of works that are part of the current exhibition "Metaphysics of color" .

The exhibition brings an insight into five decades of creation through painting, works on paper, photography and sculpture, and highlights the complexity and uniqueness of Heiliger's artistic expression.

Do not miss the opportunity to talk with an artist who pushes the boundaries of the classical art form with his work. Admission is free.

Data on the work of art: Modulilhelm Heiliger, triptych, 1990, plaster, 19 / 15 / 5 cm

Pogovor z umetnikom Wilhelmom Heiligerjem bo vodila kustosinja razstave Pavla Jarc.

Umetnik, znan po svojem raznolikem in bogatem ustvarjalnem opusu, bo spregovoril o svoji umetniški poti, raziskovanju barve, kompoziciji ter idejnih ozadjih del, ki so del aktualne razstave "Metafizika barve" .

Razstava prinaša vpogled v pet desetletij ustvarjanja skozi slikarstvo, dela na papirju, fotografijo in skulpturo ter poudarja kompleksnost in edinstvenost Heiligerjevega umetniškega izraza.

Ne zamudite priložnosti za pogovor z umetnikom, ki s svojim delom premika meje klasične umetniške forme. Vstop je prost.

Podatki o umetniškem delu: Wilhelm Heiliger, Triptih, 1990, mavec, 19 x 15 x 5 cm

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Galerija Velenje
Titov trg 5, 3320 Velenje
(03) 828 00 10
Location: Galerija Velenje