Note: participant registration required
This year, the municipality of Ilirska Bistrica and JSKD IO Ilirska Bistrica are also inviting children to the holiday theater workshops, which will be led by Iva Sh. Slosar. They will be held in the Znidersic Hall at home in Udine from Monday, 24. by Wednesday, 26. in February, separately for smaller and larger children.
Theater lessons for children from 6. to 8. years of age between 9. and 12. uro
Description: theater classes for children of lower grades are designed to learn the basics of Performing Arts. In a playful way, we will try our hand at imitation, improvisation and play. We will explore the ways of moving on stage and peer into the connection between carnival customs and theater.
Children should be dressed in comfortable clothes.
2. Theater workshops for children from 9. to 15. years of age between 13. and 16. uro
Description: at the theater workshops, we will learn about the exercises with which the actors prepare for their work with primary school students. We will also discover the Basic Rules of designing the stage situation and prepare short theatrical scenes through them.
* Participants should be dressed in comfortable clothes.
We collect applications until 21. February 2024 to address . To register, we need the name of the child and the phone number of one of the parents. Further information can be reached by phone 051 653 134.
Ivo Stefanija Slosar
In 2021, Iva Stefanija Slosar, a native of Jelsan, completed her graduate studies at the Academy of theatre, radio, film and television in Ljubljana, majoring in dramaturgy and Performing Arts. She continues her master's studies at the Academy of dramatics in Zagreb, majoring in dramaturgy of performance.
She works in the field of practical dramaturgy, playwriting and as a collaborator on radio. The play, based on the motifs of Slovenian folk songs, the woman in the Test (R.Ziva Bizovic, SNG Drama Ljubljana), where she signed the dramaturgy, won the Rudi Shelig Award at the week of Slovenian drama, The Maribor theatre prize for an integrated approach to the processing of material at the Maribor Theatre Festival and the award of the Society of theatre critics and theatrologists of Slovenia for the best performance in 2022. For her dramatic text how the pope laughs, she was nominated for the young playwright award, and Tonka's text was the winner of the 2024 contest, the contest of the Amacords be Amacond, which was translated into Italian. In the competition for the original radio play announced by the radio stage in Trieste, the third place was received by her radio play a whole pond, half a forest and half a love burned down. Her texts were also published in the magazines ADEPT, November and Literatura. In collaboration with Tjasa Klanac, she also prepared a musical performance for children where did Zlatorog go?
You can read about the impressions from last year's theater workshops here .
Opomba: Potrebna prijava udeleženca
Občina Ilirska Bistrica in JSKD IO Ilirska Bistrica tudi letos vabita otroke v počitniške gledališke delavnice, ki jih bo vodila Iva Š. Slosar. Potekale bodo v Žnideršičevi dvorani Doma na Vidmu od ponedeljka, 24. do srede, 26. februarja , ločeno za manjše in večje otroke.
Gledališke urice za otroke od 6. do 8. leta starosti med 9. in 12. uro
Opis: Gledališke urice za otroke nižjih razredov so namenjene spoznavanju osnov uprizoritvene umetnosti. Na igriv način se bomo preizkusili v posnemanju, improvizaciji in igri. Raziskovali bomo načine gibanja na odru in pokukali v povezavo med pustnimi običaji in gledališčem.
Otroci naj bodo oblečeni v udobna oblačila.
2. Gledališke delavnice za otroke od 9. do 15. leta starosti med 13. in 16. uro
Opis: Na gledaliških delavnicah bomo z osnovnošolci spoznali vaje, s katerimi se na svoje delo pripravljajo igralci. Odkrivali bomo tudi osnovna pravila snovanja odrske situacije in preko njih pripravili kratke gledališke prizore.
*Udeleženci naj bodo oblečeni v udobna oblačila.
Prijave zbiramo do 21. februarja 2024 na naslov . Za prijavo potrebujemo ime otroka in telefonsko številko enega izmed staršev. Dodatne informacije so dosegljive po telefonu 051 653 134.
Iva Štefanija Slosar
Iva Štefanija Slosar, doma iz Jelšan, je leta 2021 zaključila diplomski študij na Akademiji za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo v Ljubljani, smer Dramaturgija in scenske umetnosti. Magistrski študij nadaljuje na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti v Zagrebu, smer Dramaturgija izvedbe.
Deluje na področju praktične dramaturgije, dramskega pisanja in kot sodelavka na radiju. Predstava, nastala po motivih slovenskih ljudskih pesmi, Žene v testu (r. Živa Bizovičar, SNG Drama Ljubljana), kjer je podpisala dramaturgijo, je dobila Nagrado Rudija Šeliga na Tednu slovenske drame, Borštnikovo nagrado za celostni pristop k obdelavi gradiva na Festivalu Borštnikovo srečanje in Nagrado Društva gledaliških kritikov in teatrologov Slovenije za najboljšo uprizoritev v letu 2022. Za njeno dramsko besedilo Kako se smeji papež je bila nominirana za nagrado za mladega dramatika, besedilo Tončka pa je kot zmagovalno na natečaju Words Beyond v letu 2024 doživelo prevod v italijanščino. Na natečaju za izvirno radijsko igro, ki ga razpisuje Radijski oder v Trstu je tretje mesto je prejela njena radijska igra Zgorel je cel ribnik, pol gozda in pol ljubezni. Njeni teksti so bili objavljeni še v revijah ADEPT, November in Literatura. V sodelovanju s Tjašo Klanac je pripravila tudi glasbeno predstavo za otroke Kam je odšel Zlatorog?
O vtisih z lanskih gledaliških delavnic si lahko preberete tukaj .