Knitting, once a key and profitable industry, is slowly disappearing from our cultural landscape today. At the workshop, we will explore the art of wickerwork and try our hand at making a small basket from natural materials such as Hazel, common dogwood or Clematis. Participants will learn about traditions, different knitting techniques and the peculiarities of the materials used. At the same time, they will have the opportunity to observe how a beautiful handmade product is created from simple natural raw materials.
The workshop is suitable for participants aged 8 years and over.
Application: .
Pletarstvo, nekoč ključna in donosna panoga, danes počasi izginja iz naše kulturne krajine. Na delavnici bomo raziskovali umetnost pletarstva ter se preizkusili v izdelavi majhne košarice iz naravnih materialov, kot so leska, navaden dren ali srobot. Udeleženci bodo spoznali tradicijo, različne tehnike pletenja in posebnosti uporabljenih materialov. Hkrati bodo imeli priložnost opazovati, kako iz preprostih naravnih surovin nastane čudovit ročno izdelan izdelek.
Delavnica je primerna za udeležence, stare 8 let in več.
Prijava: .