Nutria events

Plecnik's open space management, lecture mag. Darje Pergovnik Plečnikovo urejanje odprtega prostora, predavanje mag. Darje Pergovnik


Listen to an in-depth lecture by mag. Darje Pergovnik, who will present the most important findings from the book 'Plecnik's green Ljubljana' that has just been published, and will talk about the principles of Plecnik's creation of an open space in Ljubljana, the most attractive arrangements and the new discoveries that the publication brings.

Prisluhnite poglobljenemu predavanju mag. Darje Pergovnik, ki bo predstavila najpomembnejša dognanja iz pravkar izdane knjige 'Plečnikova zelena Ljubljana' ter spregovorila o principih Plečnikovega ustvarjanja odprtega prostora v Ljubljani, najbolj atraktivnih ureditvah in novih odkritjih, ki jih prinaša publikacija.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane
Gosposka 15, 1000 Ljubljana
01 24 12 500
Location: MESTNI MUZEJ LJUBLJANA, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana, Ljubljana