Nutria events

Layering: guided tour of the exhibition with artists and curators Plastenja: Vodstvo po razstavi z umetnikoma in kustosinjama

lecture exhibition

Join us for a guided tour of the layering exhibition , which exhibits the works of selected Slovenian creators of collages and assemblages.

The layering exhibition brings together 29 artists and explores the boundaries between collage and assemblage, which are intertwined in practice. At the exhibition we will look at the works of selected Slovenian artists and artists of all generations who have used these techniques in the time range from the end of the seventies to the present day, as their primary or occasional work process. At the same time, we will explore the gap between clear definitions of techniques and artistic practice, since it turns out that works that unambiguously fall into only one of the considered techniques are the exception rather than the rule.

The guided tour will take place in Slovenian.

Pridružite se nam na vodenem ogledu po razstavi Plastenja , na kateri so razstavljena dela izbranih slovenskih ustvarjalcev in ustvarjalk kolažev in asemblažev.

Razstava Plastenja združuje 29 ustvarjalcev in ustvarjalk in raziskuje meje med kolažem in asemblažem, ki se v praksi prepletata. Na razstavi si bomo ogledali dela izbranih slovenskih umetnikov in umetnic vseh generacij, ki so omenjene tehnike uporabljali v časovnem razponu od konca sedemdesetih let do danes, in sicer kot svoj primarni ali občasni postopek dela. Ob tem bomo raziskali razkorak med jasnimi definicijami tehnik in umetniško prakso, saj se izkaže, da so dela, ki nedvoumno sodijo le v eno od obravnavanih tehnik, prej izjema kot pravilo.

Vodeni ogled bo potekal v slovenščini.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Poljanski nasip 40, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
01 241 25 73
Mobile Phone:
041 458 843
Location: Galerije v nadstropju, Cukrarna, Ljubljana