Ivan Grizold, pd.podpec.preserje@gmail.com, 041-349-592.
PD Podpec Preserje invites on Sunday, 1.12.2024 all members of the association and other mountaineers to hike to Lubnik (1025m), which is placed as a dividing pillar between the Selska and Poljanska valleys.
The place of departure of the special transport will be on Sunday at 7. uri-AP Preserje.
We will stop in Podpecja, internal, Vnanje Gorice and Brezovica.
We will drive to the Skofje Loka, to the parking lot near the Skofjeloski Castle, where we will start our hike.
From the parking lot we will climb to Lubnik through Vincarje along the ridge path. The path will lead us over Rantov vrh and Mali Lubnik, for which we will need two and a half hours. At the top we will rest a little, take a photo to see the neighboring peaks and go down to our home on Lubnik. In it we will have a longer rest and, if desired, refresh ourselves. We will descend to the starting point through the village of Gabrovo and past the Old Castle. The descent will take about two and a half hours, after which we will board the van and return home in the evening.
The total walking distance is about 5 hours. The path is varied. We will make about 700 meters in height along the route.
The trail is suitable for all hikers.
Mandatory equipment: mountain shoes, dress appropriate for the season.
The transport price will be announced later when the carrier is selected (around EUR 20).
Applications are collected by mountain guide Ivan Grizold, tel. 041 349 592 (evening hours), to the occupation of cities.
Application deadline: Wednesday, 27.11.2024
Well invited
By registering for a hike, the participant confirms that he is familiar with the complexity of the hike and meets the conditions for safe participation in it. He has a paid PZS membership for the current year. It complies with the code of honor of Slovenian mountaineers and must strictly follow the instructions of the guides.
Ivan Grizold, pd.podpec.preserje@gmail.com, 041 349 592.
PD Podpeč Preserje vabi v nedeljo, 1.12.2024 vse člane društva in ostale planince na pohod na Lubnik (1025m), ki je kot ločilni steber postavljen med Selško in Poljansko dolino.
Mesto odhoda posebnega prevoza bo v nedeljo ob 7. uri – AP Preserje.
Ustavili se bomo še v Podpeči, Notranjih, Vnanjih Goricah in Brezovici.
Peljali se bomo do Škofje Loke, do parkirišča v bližini Škofjeloškega gradu, kjer bomo začeli naš pohod.
S parkirišča se bomo povzpeli na Lubnik skozi Vincarje po grebenski poti. Pot nas bo vodila čez Rantov vrh in Mali Lubnik, za kar bomo potrebovali dve uri in pol. Na vrhu si bomo malo odpočili, se fotografirali ogledali sosednje vrhove in se spustili do Doma na Lubniku. V njem si bomo privoščili daljši počitek in se po želji tudi okrepčali. Na izhodišče se bomo spustili skozi vas Gabrovo in mimo Starega gradu. Spust bo trajal okrog dve uri in pol, po njem pa se bomo vkrcali v kombi in se v večernih urah vrnili domov.
Hoje je skupno cca 5ur. Pot je razgibana. Naredili bomo cca 700 višinskih metrov po poti.
Pot je primerna za vse pohodnike.
Obvezna oprema : planinski čevlji, obleka primerna letnem času.
Cena prevoza bo objavljena naknadno, ko bo izbran prevoznik (okoli 20 EUR).
Prijave zbira planinski vodnik Ivan Grizold, tel. 041 349 592 (večerne ure), do zasedbe mest.
Rok prijave : sreda, 27.11.2024
Lepo vabljeni
Udeleženec pohoda s prijavo za pohod potrdi, da je seznanjen z zahtevnostjo pohoda ter izpolnjuje pogoje za varno sodelovanje na njem. Ima plačano članarino PZS za tekoče leto. Se ravna v skladu s častnim kodeksom slovenskih planincev in mora dosledno upoštevati navodila vodnikov.