A poetic-musical performance in which the poet and actor Kristian Kozhelj and one of the leading Slovenian accordionists Jure Tori intertwine their creative energies,
it takes the listener along the contours of a collection of poems, about which the top Slovenian poet Peter Semolic wrote in a review for radio Ars:
"Kristian Kozhel's collection the Museum of completed relationships may be the first to talk about relationships between people,
whether erotic relationships or relationships with parents, but it also speaks of a subjective relationship to various aspects of the world, ranging from concreteness to metaphysics;
death, as the limit that defines us the most, is present, at least implicitly, in much of these poems. However, despite its metaphysical dimension, Kozhel's poetry remains sensual – these poems are full of colours, smells, touches ... we have before us an exciting and interpretatively rich collection of poems, which introduces a new and powerful poetic voice into Slovenian poetry.”
This voice will be woven into the artistic experience through poetic and musical language and will bring wonderful guests to us.
You are kindly invited to visit and celebrate the cultural holiday.
Pesniško-glasbeni nastop, v katerem svoji ustvarjalni energiji prepletata pesnik in igralec Kristian Koželj ter eden vodilnih slovenskih harmonikarjev Jure Tori,
poslušalca popelje po obrisih pesniške zbirke, o kateri je vrhunski slovenski pesnik Peter Semolič v recenziji za radio Ars zapisal:
“Zbirka Kristiana Koželja Muzej zaključenih razmerij morda res najprej govori o razmerjih med ljudmi,
najsi gre za erotična razmerja ali razmerja do staršev, a govori tudi o subjektivnem razmerju do različnih vidikov sveta, ki segajo od konkretnosti do metafizike;
smrt kot tista meja, ki nas najbolj določa, je vsaj implicitno navzoča v večjem delu teh pesmi. Toda kljub svoji metafizični dimenziji ostaja Koželjeva poezija čutna – pričujoče pesmi so polne barv, vonjav, dotikov … Pred nami je torej vznemirljiva in interpretativno bogata pesniška zbirka, ki v slovensko poezijo vpeljuje nov in močan pesniški glas.”
Ta glas bosta skozi pesniško in glasbeno govorico v umetniško doživetje spletla in k nam pripeljala čudovita gosta.
Vljudno vabljeni na obisk in počastitev kulturnega praznika.