House event of the month with the author of the legendary hit 'Groovejet / if this ain't love'
Penthouse clubbing presents the performance of the legendary DJ::: S P I L L ER ::
Saturday, 15. February 2025 from 22:00 onwards! With us will be a DJ known for the great club hits that filled the dance floors:
* GROOVEJET (if this Ain't Love) ft. Sophie Ellis be the best listened to UK radio hit in the entire decade (2000-2010)
Live sets:
* Defected H /
* Glitterbo Illustration, London
Special GUEST: TED FUNKE (Secret House events)
Tickets: 20 / 25 / pre-sale on the day of the event
Ticket sales:
Information and table reservations: +386 (0) 70 388 346
Dogok Age Limit: 21+
House dogodek meseca z avtorjem legendarnega hita 'Groovejet / If this ain't love'
Penthouse clubbing predstavlja nastop legendarnega DJ-a: :: S P I L L ER ::
V soboto, 15. februarja 2025 od 22:00 dalje! Z nami bo DJ, znan po velikih klubskih uspešnicah , ki so polnile plesišča:
• GROOVEJET (If This Ain't Love) ft. Sophie Ellis Bextor > najbolje poslušani radijsi hit v UK v celotnem desetletju (2000-2010)
Live sets:
• Defected HQ
• Glitterbox, London
SPECIAL GUEST: TED FUNKE (Secret House events)
VSTOPNICE: 20€ predprodaja 25€ na dan dogodka
Prodaja vstopnic:
INFORMACIJE in REZERVACIJE MIZ: +386 (0)70 388 346
Starostna omejitev dogoka: 21+