Directed By Vito Taufer
Played By: Iztok Mlakar, Vesna Pernarcic/Marjuta Slamic, Urska Taufer, Peter Harl, Ilija Ota.
Instrumental trio: David Shuligoy, Roman Kobal and Matjaz Shvagelj.
Production: Portoroz Auditorium - Portorose
Premiere performance: 13.6.2024 at the Portoroz Auditorium
Dark and storm night... Era una notte buia e tempestosa... C'etait une nuit sombre et orageouse... Es alumar eine dunkle und St alumrmische Nacht...In short: it was a dark and stormy night, as at the beginning of every crime in world literature, stories about people stepping on the wrong side of the law, stories about crime and crime.
Elvira and Ugo are a poor married couple who stay on the road due to eviction. In order not to freeze in a terrible winter blizzard, they take refuge in a rich man's villa, which the owner seems to have left in panic. As befits two discerning people in distress, he first resorts to life and death, and then suddenly the doorbell rings. It is on Elvira and Uga that all the crime and crime of this world falls.
Even Pegule, the fifth and completely author's comedy by Iztok Mlakar, which already with the title alludes to a series of Unfortunate Events that happen to a series of unfortunate individuals, where they are usually to blame for them, are distinguished by witty and written out dialogues and songs, especially the last ones, which will ring in your ears for a long time.
The comedy Pegule is selected in competition program 33. Comedy days in general . This year's festival will be held from 3. to 17. 2. 2025, the Pegula show will open the 5 competition program. 2. 2025 at 19.30 in the large hall of the Slovenian folk theatre Celje.
Režija: Vito Taufer
Igrajo: Iztok Mlakar, Vesna Pernarčič/Marjuta Slamič, Urška Taufer, Peter Harl, Ilija Ota.
Instrumentalni trio: David Šuligoj, Roman Kobal in Matjaž Švagelj.
Produkcija: Avditorij Portorož - Portorose
Premierna uprizoritev: 13.6.2024 v Avditoriju Portorož
It was dark and stormy night... Era una notte buia e tempestosa... C'etait une nuit sombre et orageouse... Es war eine dunkle und stürmische Nacht...Skratka: bila je temna in viharna noč, kot na začetku vsake kriminalke v svetovni literaturi, zgodbe o ljudeh, ki stopijo na napačno stran zakona, zgodbe o kriminalu in zločinu.
Elvira in Ugo sta reven zakonski par, ki zaradi deložacije ostane na cesti. Da v strašnem zimskem viharju ne bi zmrznila, se zatečeta v bogataško vilo, ki jo je lastnik, kot kaže, v paniki zapustil. Kot se spodobi za dva razsodna človeka v stiski, se najprej spreta na življenje in smrt, zatem pa nenadoma pozvoni pri vratih. Na Elviro in Uga se usuje ves kriminal in zločin tega sveta.
Tudi Pegule , peta in povsem avtorska komedija Iztoka Mlakarja, ki že z naslovom aludira, da gre za niz nesrečnih dogodkov, ki se dogajajo vrsti nesrečnih posameznikov, pri čemer so zanje običajno sami krivi, odlikujejo duhoviti in v verzih izpisani dialogi ter songi, še posebej zadnji, ki vam bodo še dolgo odzvanjali v ušesih.
Komedija Pegule je izbrana v tekmovalni program 33. Dnevov komedije v Celju . Letošnji festival bo potekal od 3. do 17. 2. 2025, predstava Pegule bo otvorila tekmovalni program 5. 2. 2025 ob 19.30 v Veliki dvorani Slovenskega ljudskega gledališča Celje.