PATRIARKH is the new incarnation of the Batushka group, which has changed its name and returns five years after the release of the controversial album “Hospodi” with a new concept album “Prorok Ilya”.
Their latest album is based on a true story from Podlasje (the region where the band comes from), more precisely from the village of GRZ Oktobo Oktszcz Oktzna in the period of the 1930s and 1940s. The Album takes the listener into the world of Eliash Klimo Fakulicz, the titular Prophet Ilya, an illiterate peasant who was the leader of the Orthodox sect GRZ Fakulbo Fakulska, active until the 60s. years of the last century. Through music, the band revives his mystical legacy and the history of the self-proclaimed prophet.
The Album features eight brand new tracks, with the band using a wide range of folk instruments such as tagelharpa, mandolin, mandocello, lay and string cymbals to tell this interesting story, while including a symphony orchestra, female vocals and male choirs. As in Batushka's previous works, the central element in PATRIARKH remains Orthodox sacredness, mixed with black and doom metal, and now heavily enriched with folk music, neodarkfolk and even film elements, where the orchestra takes the lead. The group draws from the entire palette of Orthodox music, exploring the areas of Byzantine Monody, liturgical chants and Russian Polyphony, skillfully intertwining folk and liturgical melodies with their characteristic style.
Hard rock nuns dressed in monastic robes, symbolizing repression and renunciation, while fiercely attacking religious hypocrites and oppressive systems. The group openly encourages resistance and throwing off the shackles that limit us.
Solistični a project of the vokalista poland, a group of Wilczyca.
- presale: 25 eur
- on doors: 30 eur
PATRIARKH je nova inkarnacija skupine Batushka, ki je spremenila ime in se pet let po izidu kontroverznega albuma “Hospodi” vrača z novim konceptualnim albumom “Prorok Ilja”.
Njihov najnovejši album temelji na resnični zgodbi iz Podlašja (regije, od koder prihaja skupina), natančneje iz vasi Grzybowszczyzna v obdobju 1930-ih in 1940-ih. Album poslušalca popelje v svet Eliaša Klimowicza, naslovnega preroka Ilje, nepismenega kmeta, ki je bil vodja pravoslavne sekte Grzybowska, dejavne vse do 60. let prejšnjega stoletja. Skupina skozi glasbo oživlja njegovo mistično zapuščino in zgodovino samooklicanega preroka.
Album vsebuje osem povsem novih skladb, pri čemer skupina za pripovedovanje te zanimive zgodbe uporablja širok nabor ljudskih inštrumentov, kot so tagelharpa, mandolina, mandocello, lajna in strunski cimbale, hkrati pa vključuje simfonični orkester, ženske vokale in moške zbore. Kot v prejšnjih delih Batushke tudi v PATRIARKH ostaja osrednji element pravoslavna sakralnost, pomešana z black in doom metalom, zdaj pa močno obogatena z ljudsko glasbo, neodarkfolkom in celo filmskimi elementi, kjer orkester prevzame vodilno vlogo. Skupina črpa iz celotne palete pravoslavne glasbe, raziskuje področja bizantinske monodije, liturgičnih napevov in ruske polifonije, spretno prepletajoč ljudske in liturgične melodije s svojim značilnim slogom.
Hard rock nune oblečene v redovniške obleke, ki simbolizirajo represijo in odrekanje ob tem pa ostro napadajo verske hinavce in zatiralske sisteme. Skupina odprto spodbuja upor in odmetavanje okovov, ki nas omejujejo.
Solistični projekt nekdanjega vokalista poljske skupine Wilczyca.
– presale: 25 eur
– on doors: 30 eur