Nutria events

Doggy man Pasji mož


Distributor: Karantanija Cinemas d. o.o.

Half dog, Half Man, Fully hero.

When the faithful police dog and its owner, the policeman, are both injured during working hours, they are rescued by a quick but rather reckless operation – they combine the officer's body and the dog's head, and the Dog Man is born. And the dog man swore to protect and serve – and bring, and sit, and roll over.

When the Dogman adopts his new identity and strives to impress his commander (Lil Rel Ho Alver/, he runs away!, Free Gu/), must stop the evil machinations of the feline supervillain petrified (Pete Davidson; Saturda / Night Live, King Of Staten Island). Petrcov's latest plan is to clone himself and create a kitten of Little Petrcov, thus doubling the chance for dishonest business. However, things get complicated when Little Petrcek unexpectedly befriends a dog man.

But when the little Pettle falls into the clutches of a common enemy, the Dogman and Pettle reluctantly join forces in a race against time to save the young kitten. In the process, however, they discover the power of the family (and the kittens!), uniting even the fiercest of enemies.

Distributer: Karantanija Cinemas d.o.o.

Na pol pes, na pol mož, v celoti junak.

Ko se zvesti policijski pes in njegov lastnik policist med delovnim časom oba poškodujeta, ju rešijo s hitro, a precej nespametno operacijo – združijo policistovo telo in pasjo glavo in rodi se Pasji mož. In Pasji mož je zaprisegel, da bo varoval in služil – ter prinašal, sedel in se prevračal.

Ko Pasji mož sprejme svojo novo identiteto in si prizadeva narediti vtis na svojega Komandirja (Lil Rel Howery, Zbeži!, Free Guy), mora zaustaviti zlobne spletke mačjega superzlobneža Petrčka (Pete Davidson; Saturday Night Live, Kralj Staten Islanda). Petrčkov najnovejši načrt je, da se klonira in ustvari mucka Malega Petrčka in tako podvoji možnost za nečedne posle. Stvari pa se zapletejo, ko se Mali Petrček nepričakovano spoprijatelji s Pasjim možem.

Ko pa Mali Petrček pade v kremplje skupnega sovražnika, Pasji mož in Petrček nerada združita moči v tekmi s časom, da bi rešila mladega mucka. Med tem pa odkrijejo moč družine (in muckov!), ki združi tudi najhujše sovražnike.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Projektor d.o.o.
Loška ulica 13, 2000 Maribor - Slovenija
02 820 17 42
Location: Maribox, Maribor, Maribox, Maribor