Nutria events

Parklfest and ensemble ignition, Village Square in Zg. Kungoti Parklfest in Ansambel Vžig, Vaški trg v Zg. Kungoti

music entertainment children

Over 300 terrible hooves from Slovenia and Austria will visit kungota. We will also be visited by St. St. Nicholas and gave good children. At the end, a party with the ignition Ensemble will follow.

Kungoto bo obiskalo preko 300 strašnih parkljev iz Slovenije in Avstrije. Obiskal nas bo tudi Sv. Miklavž in obdaril pridne otroke. Na koncu bo sledila zabava z Ansamblom Vžig.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Plintovec 7c, 2201 Zgornja Kungota