, 2024, Slovenia
Directed By: Perica Rai
Language: English
Played By: Katarina Time, Nina Ivanishin, Jure Henigman, Tina Vrbnjak, Ula Furlan, Janez Starina, Uros F Animrst, Barbara Ribnikar, Gorka Berden
crime drama, 01h31min
Four childhood best friends, Manca ( Katarina time ), Trina ( Nina Ivanishin ), Iza ( Tina Vrbnjak ) and Taja (Ula Furlan ), spend a few days in the hills every summer, in a remote place in Slovenia. Their friendship was marked years ago by an event at a party that alienated them from each other. This time they want to face the past and renew their ties, but they come across a strange family from a nearby village and a mysterious hunter. As the situation gets more and more out of control, they have to deal with external threats, strange coincidences and their own fears. Will this struggle for survival restore their friendship or finally destroy it?
Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpv93NpTaOA
The shooting of the film began 10 years ago without any financial support, so the team was forced to finance the project exclusively from their own funds. The lack of resources at all times led to doubts whether they would be able to complete the film at all and whether it would ever see the screen. Despite the uncertainty, the team and actors, with dedication, played their roles completely free of charge, which proves their love for this film. Today, however, the team and the actors are filled with joy, because after a long and exhausting journey they have reached their destination – and the film was such a beautiful day will finally come to life on the big screen.
Wednesday, 11. in December, the director of the film, Perica Rai,will join us after the screening. See you at the movies!
Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.
PERICA RAI (director, screenwriter
"This project stood on shaky foundations all the time, because we never had a guarantee that we would be able to complete it at all. We started out of pure passion, shooting mainly in the summer, in June and July, because the story of the film takes place in a single day.
Although we successfully shot the main part, the lack of funds for post-production put us on hold and the film remained unfinished for several years. Only with the help of the Vertigo Production House did we get the opportunity to end it.
The film features the greatest Slovenian actors, which personally means a lot to me. I am sure that they were attracted by the otherness of the script and the challenges of the roles, so they gladly accepted cooperation.
Their dedication and commitment to the project inspired me over the years, as none of them ever asked for payment. All the actors you see in the film took part from the heart and for free, which I really appreciate.”
, 2024, Slovenija
Režija: Perica Rai
Jezik: slovenščina
Igrajo: Katarina Čas, Nina Ivanišin, Jure Henigman, Tina Vrbnjak, Ula Furlan, Janez Starina, Uroš Fürst, Barbara Ribnikar, Gorka Berden
kriminalna drama, 01h31min
Štiri najboljše prijateljice iz otroštva, Manca ( Katarina Čas ), Trina ( Nina Ivanišin ), Iza ( Tina Vrbnjak ) in Taja ( Ula Furlan ), vsako poletje preživijo nekaj dni v hribih, v oddaljenem kraju v Sloveniji. Njihovo prijateljstvo je pred leti zaznamoval dogodek na zabavi, ki jih je med seboj odtujil. Tokrat se želijo soočiti s preteklostjo in obnoviti svoje vezi, a naletijo na nenavadno družino iz bližnje vasi in skrivnostnega Lovca. Ko situacija vse bolj uhaja izpod nadzora, se morajo spopasti z zunanjimi grožnjami, nenavadnimi naključji in lastnimi strahovi. Bo ta boj za preživetje obnovil njihovo prijateljstvo ali ga dokončno uničil?
Napovednik : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpv93NpTaOA
Snemanje filma se je začelo pred 10 leti brez kakršne koli finančne podpore, zato je bila ekipa prisiljena projekt financirati izključno iz lastnih sredstev. Pomanjkanje virov je ves čas prinašalo dvome, ali bodo sploh lahko dokončali film in ali bo ta kdaj ugledal filmsko platno. Kljub negotovosti so ekipa in igralci s predanostjo svoje vloge odigrali popolnoma brezplačno, kar dokazuje njihovo ljubezen do tega filma. Danes pa ekipo in igralce preveva veselje, saj so po dolgem in napornem potovanju vendarle prišli do cilja – film Pa tako lep dan je bil bo končno zaživel na velikem platnu.
V sredo, 11. decembra, se nam bo po projekciji pridružil k pogovoru režiser filma Perica Rai. Se vidimo v kinu!
Predprodaja vstopnic: Galerija Alga.
PERICA RAI (režiser, scenarist)
“Ta projekt je ves čas stal na trhlih temeljih, saj nikoli nismo imeli zagotovila, da ga bomo sploh lahko dokončali. Začeli smo iz čiste strasti, snemali pa smo predvsem poleti, v juniju in juliju, ker se zgodba filma odvija v enem samem dnevu.
Čeprav smo uspešno posneli glavni del, nas je pomanjkanje sredstev za postprodukcijo zaustavilo in film je več let ostal nedokončan. Šele s pomočjo produkcijske hiše Vertigo smo dobili priložnost, da ga končamo.
V filmu nastopajo največji slovenski igralci, kar mi osebno pomeni ogromno. Prepričan sem, da so jih pritegnili drugačnost scenarija in izzivi vlog, zato so z veseljem sprejeli sodelovanje.
Njihova predanost in zavezanost projektu me je skozi leta navdihovala, saj nihče od njih nikoli ni zahteval plačila. Vsi igralci, ki jih vidite v filmu, so sodelovali iz srca in brezplačno, kar izjemno cenim.”