Nutria events

Opening of the exhibition " bicycle in artistic composition” Otvoritev razstave “kolo v likovni kompoziciji”

culture exhibition

Art works were created by the students of the third triad of Janez Puhar Elementary School Kranj Center under the mentorship of Art pedagogue Sandra Sever.

As many as thirty fine art works with a wheel motif were created. The disciples depicted a real wheel after observation, but a little differently. The parts of the bike that they found interesting and that attracted them either in shape or in detail were used to build their own balanced composition. In doing so, they followed the instruction to try to get as close as possible to the realistic appearance of certain parts of the bike. In one work of art, therefore, they considered the depiction by observation and at the same time the construction of a meaningful artistic whole at their own discretion. The artistic techniques used by the students are lavated ink drawing and the combination of tempera colours and ink with regard to harmonious or opposite colours.

The pupils created high-quality works of art, which are compositionally, technically and colorfully well designed and interesting in terms of art. They definitely deserve to be seen by the general public, so we will be glad for each of your visits to the gallery.

Likovna dela so nastala izpod rok učencev tretje triade OŠ Janeza Puharja Kranj Center pod mentorstvom likovne pedagoginje Sandre Sever.

Nastalo je kar trideset likovnih del z motivom kolesa. Učenci so upodobili resnično kolo po opazovanju, vendar nekoliko drugače. Dele kolesa, ki so se jim zdeli zanimivi in ki so jih pritegnili bodisi po obliki bodisi po detajlih, so uporabili za gradnjo lastne uravnotežene kompozicije. Pri tem so sledili navodilu, da se poskušajo čim bolj približati realnemu izgledu določenih delov kolesa. V enem likovnem delu so torej upoštevali upodobitev po opazovanju in hkrati gradnjo smiselne likovne celote po lastni presoji. Likovni tehniki, ki so ju učenci uporabili sta lavirana risba s črnilom in kombinacija tempera barv ter črnila z upoštevanjem harmoničnih ali nasprotnih barv.

Učenci so ustvarili kvalitetna likovna dela, ki so kompozicijsko, tehnično in barvno dobro zasnovana ter likovno zanimiva. Vsekakor si zaslužijo ogled širše javnosti, zato bomo veseli vsakega vašega obiska v galeriji.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Zavod za turizem in kulturo Kranj
Location: Galerija Kranjske hiše, Kranj