Nutria events

Children's and youth show Chicken Otroško-mladinska predstava Kokošji rod

theatre children

You are invited to the hen house - a performance for children performed by the St. Jacob's Theatre Ljubljana.

Mirjam and Ziga Sedmak decided to arrange prose texts by Josip Ribicic for the children's audience. They chose the stories Kokot, Kikiriki and Kukeriki, Mrs. Krasnokrila and the artist and connected them into an educational dramatic adaptation, which enables a humorous performance with interweaving of dialogue, singing and dance, i.e. a collage of great stories created for children by the youth writer Josip Ribicic. He wrote several youth plays, tales, satires and humoresques. His work is distinguished by imagination, fabulousness, the animal world and people. The new dramolet chicken breed will surely answer many questions about the chicken breed, the values of the artistic soul and the co-existence in society.

The show is aimed at young people and lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes. To book tickets, you can call tel. No. 040 505 960 or write to the ticket office will be open one hour before the show.

Kindly invited!

Vabljeni na Kokošji rod - predstavo za otroke v izvedbi Šentjakobskega gledališča Ljubljana.

Mirjam in Žiga Sedmak sta se odločila, da za otroško občinstvo priredita prozna besedila Josipa Ribičiča. Izbrala sta zgodbe Kokot, Kikiriki in Kukeriki, Gospa Krasnokrila in Umetnik ter jih povezala v poučno dramsko priredbo, ki v uresničitvi omogoča humorno predstavo s prepletanjem dialoga, petja in plesa, torej kolaž imenitnih zgodb, ki jih je za otroke ustvarjal mladinski pisatelj Josip Ribičič. Napisal je več mladinskih iger, povesti, satir in humoresk. Njegovo delo odlikujejo domišljija, pravljičnost, živalski svet in ljudje. Novi dramolet Kokošji rod bo zagotovo odgovoril na mnogo vprašanj o kokošjem rodu, vrednotah umetniške duše in o kokodajsanju v družbi.

Predstava je namenjena mladim in traja 1 uro in 10 minut. Za rezervacijo kart lahko pokličete na tel. št. 040 505 960 ali pišete na Blagajna bo odprta eno uro pred predstavo.

Vljudno vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Javni zavod Trubarjevi kraji
Location: Dvorana v Levstikovem domu, Stritarjeva cesta 1, 1315 Velike Lašče