You are invited to see 3. children's performances of CHARDASH and POLKA 17. in January at 17.00 as part of a children's theater subscription.
The sparkling story of two aliens, each coming from a different country, will make you laugh to tears. The cute balatonchi mole and the cute Murka Hen are new neighbors. Strangers to each other, who each speak their own language and have different habits and Customs.
Vabljeni na ogled 3. otroške predstave ČARDAŠ IN POLKA 17. januarja ob 17.00 v okviru OTROŠKEGA GLEDALIŠKEGA ABONMAJA.
Iskriva zgodba o dveh tujcih, ki prihajata vsak iz druge države, vas bo nasmejala do solz. Prikupen krt Balatonči in simpatična kokoška Murka sta novopečena soseda. Drug drugemu tujca, ki govorita vsak svoj jezik in imata različne navade in običaje.