Nutria events

Children's show Bringer of snow magic Otroška predstava Prinašalki snežne čarovnije

theatre children

Vanja Bela Kovacic,, 02 3208210.

On Saturday, 18.1.2025, at 11. uri are invited to a magical snowy land, where sparkling crystals shimmer, but there is no snow anywhere! The bringers of snow magic, the playful Snowflake and the clumsy frosting, have forgotten the secret recipe for snow this year.

A fun quest adventure takes you through humorous plots, mysterious puzzles and magical moments in which children can actively participate and help. Together we will discover magical objects, sing songs and maybe... just maybe... manage to conjure up the first Blizzard.

Full of humor, music and festive spirit, this show reminds us that the real magic is hidden in laughter, friendship and creating together.

After the performance, we will continue to create together in the ice land and write an unforgettable winter fairy tale.

See you at the central event area (in front of Hervis) .

Vanja Bele Kovačič,, 02 3208210.

V soboto, 18.1.2025, ob 11. uri vabljeni v čarobno snežno deželo, kjer se iskrivi kristali svetlikajo, a snega ni nikjer! Prinašalki snežne čarovnije, razigrana Snežinka in nerodna Zmrzlina, sta letos pozabili na skrivni recept za sneg.

Zabavna iskalna dogodivščina vas popelje skozi humorne zaplete, skrivnostne uganke in čarobne trenutke, pri katerih lahko otroci aktivno sodelujejo in pomagajo. Skupaj bomo odkrivali čarobne predmete, peli pesmice in morda… samo morda… uspeli pričarati prvi snežni metež.

Polno humorja, glasbe in prazničnega duha, ta predstava nas spomni, da je prava čarovnija skrita v smehu, prijateljstvu in skupnem ustvarjanju.

Po predstavi bomo skupaj ustvarjali še naprej v ledeni deželi ter pisali nepozabno zimsko pravljico.

Se vidimo na osrednjem prireditvenem prostoru (pred Hervisom) .

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Europark Maribor
Location: Europark, Pobreška cesta 18, 2000 Maribor