Every second Tuesday of the month, Vlado Motnikar talks with the selected interlocutor about lite ratura. This time the word will be about Franz Kafka. The guest of the meeting personally on literature will be Dr. Stefan Vevar, a translator who, on the occasion of this year's hundredth anniversary of the death of one of the most important writers of world literature, translated all his short prose – more than a thousand pages. Welcome!
Vsak drugi torek v mesecu se Vlado Motnikar pogovarja z izbranim sogovornikom o lite raturi. Tokrat bo beseda tekla o Franzu Kafki. Gost srečanja Osebno o literaturi bo dr. Štefan Vevar, prevajalec, ki je ob letošnji stoti obletnici smrti enega najpomembnejših pisateljev svetovne književnosti prevedel vso njegovo kratko prozo – več kot tisoč strani. Vabljeni!