Nutria events

Tour of the Tactilion exhibition Ogled razstave Taktilije


We invite you to visit the exhibition of Tactilia by Polona Demsar, Paola Korosec, Mojca Smerdu and Dani Zbontar.

The exhibition will be on display at Savin's art salon until 4. in January 2025.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 17.00, on Saturday from 10.00 to 13.00.

Admission is free.

On Tuesday, 3. in December, when we celebrate this happy day of culture, it will be at 17. free guided tour of the exhibition.

The opening of the tactile exhibition took place on Thursday, 28. in November 2024, at 18. uri.

Art historian mag spoke about the authors and their work. Alenka Domjan, and at the end, the artists and others present were greeted by the director of the ZKSC Jalec mag. Marko Repnik. The opening was enlivened by Viktor Nishavij / / who played The Original Music entitled Tactilije.

Vabimo vas na ogled razstave Taktilije avtoric Polone Demšar, Paole Korošec, Mojce Smerdu in Dani Žbontar.

Razstava bo v Savinovem likovnem salonu Žalec na ogled do 4. januarja 2025.

Odpiralni čas: od ponedeljka do petka od 10.00 do 17.00, v soboto od 10.00 do 13.00.

Vstop je prost.

V torek, 3. decembra, ko praznujemo Ta veseli dan kulture, bo ob 17. uri brezplačen voden ogled po razstavi.

Odprtje razstave Taktilije je bilo v četrtek, 28. novembra 2024, ob 18. uri.

O avtoricah in njihovem delu je spregovorila umetnostna zgodovinarka mag. Alenka Domjan, ob koncu pa je umetnice in druge prisotne pozdravil direktor ZKŠT Žalec mag. Marko Repnik. Odprtje je z igranjem na rog popestril Viktor Nišavić, ki je zaigral avtorsko glasbo z naslovom Taktilije.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Aškerčeva 9a, 3310 Žalec
03 712 12 50
Location: Savinov likovni salon Žalec