Nutria events

Opening of the exhibition missed views by anzhet Sever and Tom Stanic Odprtje razstave Zgrešeni pogledi avtorjev Anžeta Severja in Toma Staniča

culture exhibition

Multi-media exhibition of artists Tom Stanic and Anzhet sever, where their joint works will be presented.

The project draws attention to the boundaries of human understanding: nature ignores US, technology goes beyond our perception, and views often miss the point. At the forefront are the relationships between man, technology and nature, intertwined with alienation, fascination and transcending the human. Using spatial installations and a conceptual approach, the authors create a unique dialogue between space and Idea, exploring the dimensions of time, space and perception.

Do not miss the opportunity to experience art that pushes the boundaries of thought in the Velenje Gallery.

Večmedijska razstava umetnikov Toma Staniča in Anžeta Severja, na kateri bodo predstavljena njuna skupna dela.

Projekt opozarja na meje človeškega razumevanja: narava nas ignorira, tehnologija presega naše dojemanje, pogledi pa pogosto zgrešijo bistvo. V ospredju so razmerja med človekom, tehnologijo in naravo, ki jih prepletajo odtujenost, fascinacija in preseganje človeškega. S prostorskimi inštalacijami in konceptualnim pristopom avtorja ustvarjata edinstven dialog med prostorom in idejo, raziskujeta dimenzije časa, prostora in percepcije.

Ne zamudite priložnosti, da v Galeriji Velenje doživite umetnost, ki premika meje misli.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Galerija Velenje
Titov trg 5, 3320 Velenje
(03) 828 00 10
Location: Galerija Velenje