Nutria events

Opening of the exhibition Tina Konz, among the cypresses Odprtje razstave Tina Konec, MED CIPRESAMI


In Gottschee, Tina is presenting herself with a new series of works, which she dedicated to cypresses and especially to the memory of her grandmother, who by planting trees around the house in some way also took care of preserving memories for future generations.

With their elegant, upright growth and longevity, cypresses carry deep meanings within them that humans have adhered to for millennia. They became a symbol of both spirituality and inner strength, as well as respect, peace and memory of those who left. The thought of enclosing a home in the shelter of coniferous trees means enclosing a home in the shelter of memories. Trees thus become carriers of stories, family events and emotions. Her work and efforts are imbued with the idea that trees are the heart of the home environment – not only as decorative or functional elements, but above all as keepers of memories.

Invited on Friday, 6. in December 2024 at 19. go to The Art salon.

V Kočevju se Tina Konec predstavlja z novo serijo del, ki jih je posvetila cipresam in predvsem spominu na babico, ki je s sajenjem dreves okoli hiše na nek način poskrbela tudi za ohranjanje spominov za prihodnje generacije.

Ciprese s svojo elegantno, pokončno rastjo in dolgoživostjo v sebi nosijo globoke pomene, ki se jih ljudje držimo že tisočletja. Postale so simbol tako duhovnosti in notranje moči kot tudi spoštovanja, miru in spomina na tiste, ki so odšli. Misel obdati dom v zavetje iglastega drevja pomeni obdati dom v zavetje spominov. Drevesa tako postanejo nosilci zgodb, družinskih dogodkov in čustev. Njeno delo in prizadevanja so prežeta z mislijo, da so drevesa srce domačega okolja – ne le kot okrasni ali funkcionalni elementi, temveč predvsem kot varuhi spominov.

Vabljeni v petek, 6. decembra 2024 ob 19. uri v Likovni salon Kočevje.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Likovni salon Kočevje, 1330 Kočevje