Nutria events

The opening of the exhibition Our Place, recorded in time and the ceremony at 750. anniversary of the first mention of Podnanos and 50. anniversary of the library. Odprtje razstave Naš kraj, zapisan v času in slovesnost ob 750. obletnici prve omembe Podnanosa ter 50. obletnici knjižnice v kraju.

culture exhibition, 05 3644-260.

Lavric library Ajdovscina and Svet KS Podnanos Vas on Friday, 6. in December 2024, at 17.00 we invite Janka Premrla Vojka in Podnanos to the opening of the exhibition Our Place, written in time and to the ceremony at 750. anniversary of the first mention of the place and 50. anniversary of the library.

This year's celebration of the first mention of the place no. Vid (today's Podnanos) is joined by Lavric's library by setting up a joint exhibition. It aims to highlight a range of diverse materials that have been published at any time and that are written about Podnanos and the surrounding areas, as well as materials written by authors and/or institutions from the area. What has happened in the place to this day is shown (more than 100 exhibits) at a joint exhibition in the premises of the local community. In four sections, the history of the place, local history authors, serials of the local community, schools, parishes are presented. In the last set, local societies and the local library Podnanos and its historical development are presented.

On the occasion of the holiday, special numbers of the newsletter Svet'ga Vida zgun were published . The exhibition was set up by the librarian FRANKA KOREN in collaboration with historian Yuri Rosa . The cultural programme will be designed by students of the Branch School Podnanos – Primary School Draga Bajca, VIDA TROS T with a singing group and moderator VALENTINA TOMINEC ., 05 3644 260.

Lavričeva knjižnica Ajdovščina in Svet KS Podnanos Vas v petek, 6. decembra 2024 , ob 17.00 vabimo v Dom Janka Premrla Vojka v Podnanosu na odprtje razstave Naš kraj, zapisan v času in na slovesnost ob 750. obletnici prve omembe kraja ter 50. obletnici knjižnice.

Letošnjemu praznovanju prve omembe kraja Št. Vid (današnji Podnanos) se pridružuje Lavričeva knjižnica s postavitvijo skupne razstave. Z njo želimo izpostaviti nabor raznovrstnega gradiva, ki je bilo kadarkoli izdano in piše o Podnanosu ter okoliških krajih, ter gradiva, ki so ga napisali avtorji in/ali izdale ustanove s tega območja. Kaj se je v kraju dogajalo do danes, je prikazano (več kot 100 eksponatov) na skupni razstavi v prostorih krajevne skupnosti. V štirih sklopih so predstavljeni zgodovina kraja, domoznanski avtorji, serijske publikacije krajevne skupnosti, šole, župnije. V zadnjem sklopu so predstavljena krajevna društva ter krajevna knjižnica Podnanos in njen zgodovinski razvoj.

Ob prazniku je izšla posebna števila glasila Svet'ga Vida zgun . Razstavo je v sodelovanju z zgodovinarjem JURIJEM ROSO postavila bibliotekarka FRANKA KOREN . Kulturni program bodo oblikovali UČENCI PODRUŽNIČNE ŠOLE PODNANOS – OŠ Draga Bajca, VIDA TROŠ T s PEVSKO SKUPINO in moderatorka VALENTINA TOMINEC .

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Vojkov dom, Podnanos, 5272 Podnanos