Nutria events

Opening of the light of creativity art exhibition Odprtje likovne razstave LUČ USTVARJALNOSTI

culture exhibition

Cerkno Museum and Art Section at DU Cerkno vas on Thursday, 5. in December 2024, at 18. uri invites you to the Cerkno museum for the opening of the light of creativity art exhibition.

For this exhibition, the handicraft Association Driklc Cerkno, the art section of the cerkno Pensioners 'Association and the art circle of the University of the Third Age at the Idrija Pensioners' Association joined together.

The exhibition was financially supported by the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Slovenia. It will be on display in the Cerkno Museum until 31. in January 2025, according to the museum's schedule. Free admission.

Cerkljanski muzej in Likovna sekcija pri DU Cerkno vas v četrtek, 5. decembra 2024, ob 18. uri vabita v Cerkljanski muzej na odprtje likovne razstave LUČ USTVARJALNOSTI.

Za tokratno razstavo so se združili Rokodelsko društvo Driklc Cerkno, likovna sekcija Društva upokojencev Cerkno in likovni krožek Univerze za tretje življenjsko obdobje pri Društvu upokojencev Idrija.

Razstavo je finančno podprlo Ministrstvo za kulturo RS. V Cerkljanskem muzeju bo na ogled do 31. januarja 2025 po urniku muzeja. Vstop prost.

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Mestni muzej Idrija
Location: Cerkljanski muzej, 5282 Cerkno