Nutria events

Opening of the guest exhibition Planica Olympic spirit 1984 Odprtje gostujoče razstave Planiški olimpijski duh 1984

sport exhibition

Thursday, 16. January, 17.00, Gallery

Planica and Igman group of Sports workers.

The exhibition presents the role and contribution of individuals and groups of people (Sports workers, nordic athletes and various photojournalists) to the organization, preparation and implementation of the biggest sporting event in Yugoslavia – the Winter Olympics in Sarajevo in 1984.

Exhibition author: curator Dr. Tadej Curk.

The exhibition will be opened by the head of the Sports Museum, Dr. Ales Shafaric.

Music program: Music School Brezice.

Admission is free.

Četrtek, 16. januar, 17.00, Galerija

Planiška in igmanska skupina športnih delavcev.

Razstava predstavlja vlogo in doprinos posameznikov in skupin ljudi (športnih delavcev, športnikov v nordijskih panogah in različnih fotoreporterjev) k organizaciji, pripravi in izpeljavi največjega športnega dogodka v Jugoslaviji – zimskih olimpijskih iger v Sarajevu leta 1984.

Avtor razstave: kustos dr. Tadej Curk.

Razstavo bo odprl vodja Muzeja športa dr. Aleš Šafarič.

Glasbeni program: Glasbena šola Brežice.

Vstop je prost.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Posavski muzej Brežice, Southeast Slovenia