Invited to the theatre!
Young actors and actresses will present themselves on the stage of the Cultural Center of Lasko in the morning matinee for the pupils of Primoz Trubar Elementary School of Lasko at the regional meeting of theater groups.
Admission is free!
The event is organized by JSKD Oi Lasko.
Information and purchase of tickets: TIC Lasko, 03 733 89 50,
Vabljeni v teater!
Mladi igralci in igralke se bodo na odru Kulturnega centra Laško v dopoldanski matineji za učence OŠ Primoža Trubarja Laško predstavili na območnem srečanju gledaliških skupin.
Vstop je prost!
Dogodek organizira JSKD OI Laško.
Informacije in nakup vstopnic: TIC Laško, 03 733 89 50,