Nutria events

Obduction, Hoba Obduction, Hoba



The Trio in a drum and two guitar setup is something not often seen, if at all. Although without a bassist, there will be no lack of crazy energy, which you will be able to be convinced of as soon as they enter the stage. This instrumental trio skillfully floats between stoner, rock, psychedelia, punk and metal, avoiding clear definitions. They are coming to our stage with their new, third, album Anguilla Guerrilla, released in July 2024 in collaboration with God Bless This Mess records. Their debut album Darkest Light (2017) was named the best album by the 24 hours portal, and the new work continues to collect many positive reviews. The core of the band is formed by guitarists Jure Gasper and Jan Kozel, and after numerous changes of drummers, it seems that they have found the Right One – The Hand of “Boogie” Henigman.



In the last decade, an instrumental music band covering many subgenres of metal music. In part, the influence of metal bands from the end of the 80's and the beginning of the 90's is still noticeable in their music, but a little more noticeable is the influence of progressive music from the end of the 90's, although they do not fit themselves into this subgenre, as they often skip from it to completely simple distorted rhythmic patterns, which are not necessarily limited to the framework of the so-called metal.

Their stage performances are an increasing rarity over the years and are becoming a rearity.



A Slovenian trio from space with a special story: Once Upon a time, a meteorite named Hoba crashed into Africa – the heaviest and most cosmic lump of iron ever. The event resonated so strongly through space and time that 80,000 years later, on the first day of school in 2017, it united the three Friars of Ljubljana. They didn't have to look for vocals, because no one in the universe hears your screaming anyway. Greasy riffs, a lot of lags and thundering rhythms very easily make you indulge in a journey through the expanses of space. The leaders of the trip are: Ozi-guitar, Pendeho – bass, Martinez – drums.

Contribution: 10 eur (at the entrance)


Trio v postavi bobna in dveh kitar je nekaj, kar ne vidi pogosto, če sploh. Čeprav brez basista, nore energije ne bo manjkalo, o čemer se boste lahko prepričali takoj, ko bodo stopili na oder. Ta instrumentalni trio spretno plava med stonerjem, rockom, psihedelijo, punkom in metalom ter se izogiba jasnim definicijam. Na naš oder prihajajo z novim, tretjim, albumom Anguilla Guerrilla, ki je izšel julija 2024 v sodelovanju z založbo God Bless This Mess records. Njihov prvi album Darkest Light (2017) je bil razglašen za najboljši album po izboru portala 24 ur, novo delo pa še naprej zbira številne pozitivne kritike. Jedro zasedbe tvorita kitarista Jure Gašper in Jan Kozel, po številnih menjavah bobnarjev pa se zdi, da so našli pravega – Roka “Boogieja” Henigmana.



V zadnjem desetletju instrumentalna glasbena zasedba, ki zajema marsikateri podžanr metal glasbe. Deloma je v njihovi glasbi še vedno opazen vpliv metal zasedb s konca 80’ in začetka 90’ let prejšnjega stoletja, nekoliko bolj opazen pa je vpliv progresivne glasbe s konca 90’ let, čeprav sebe ne uvrščajo v ta podžanr, saj iz njega pogosto preskočijo v povsem preproste distorzirane ritmične vzorce, ki niso nujno omejeni v okvire t.i. metala.

Njihovi odrski nastopi so z leti vse večja redkost in postajajo reariteta.



Slovenski trio iz vesolja s posebno zgodbo: nekoč davno je v Afriko treščil meteorit z imenom Hoba – najtežja in najbolj vesoljska kepa železa doslej. Dogodek je tako močno odmeval skozi prostor in čas, da je 80.000 let kasneje na prvi šolski dan leta 2017 združil tri ljubljanske frike. Ni jim bilo treba iskati vokalov, ker tako ali tako nihče v vesolju ne sliši tvojega kričanja. Mastni rifi, veliko zamikov in grmeči ritmi vas zelo zlahka pripravijo do tega, da se prepustite potovanju skozi prostranstva vesolja. Vodje potovanja so: Ozi – kitara, Pendeho – bas, Martinez – bobni.

Prispevek: 10 eur (na vhodu)

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kulturno umetniško društvo SubArt
Kolodvorska cesta 8, 4000 Kranj
Location: Trainstation Subart, Kolodvorska cesta 8, Kranj