Nutria events

Nosferatu Nosferatu


Nosferatu, 2024, USA

Directed By: Robert Eggers

Language: English

Played: Willem Dafoe, Nicholas Hoult, Bill Skarsgård, Ralph Ineson, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Emma Corrin, Simon McBurney, Lily-Rose Depp

horror, 02h12min

Real estate agent Thomas Hutter travels to Transylvania to meet the mysterious Count Orlok, who wants to buy a house. But soon after arriving at the castle, he realizes that its inhabitant is a bloodthirsty creature of darkness ... Meanwhile, at home in Germany, Hutter's bride Ellen is haunted by terrifying visions …

Trailer :

A gothic story about an obsession between a young woman and a terrible vampire who is in love with her and leaves behind an indescribable horror.

Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.


"/.../a film that seems to be conjured from the darkest depths of pure evil. Eggers ' most sovereign work; what we can feel is his obsessions streaming through each frame. Lil Light-Rose Depp and Bill Skarsg light-Rd are stunning.«

- Jordan Raup

"In the film, Eggers' exploration of evil as a primordial force crystallizes, as inextricably linked to existence as lust and emanating from the same divinity as goodness. Evil is such an inseparable part of us that fighting it requires great sacrifices.«

- Carlos Aguilar

"With Nosferatu, one of the most seductively spooky films of all time, Robert Eggers continues his exhilarating string of elaborately crafted and evocative historical films. Lil / Rose Depp puts every bit of her body and soul into a breathtaking portrait of a gloomy obsession, and the depiction of Count Orlok is so overwhelming that we feel his presence even when he is not on the screen.«

- Matt Neglia

"Robert Eggers' Nosferatu is a true costume treat; an exquisitely filmed and effectively told fantastic horror film.«

- Anne Thompson

Nosferatu, 2024, ZDA

Režija: Robert Eggers

Jezik: angleščina

Igrajo: Willem Dafoe, Nicholas Hoult, Bill Skarsgård, Ralph Ineson, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Emma Corrin, Simon McBurney, Lily-Rose Depp

grozljivka, 02h12min

Nepremičninski agent Thomas Hutter odpotuje v Transilvanijo, da bi se srečal s skrivnostnim grofom Orlokom, ki želi kupiti hišo. Toda kmalu po prihodu na grad spozna, da je njegov prebivalec krvoločno bitje teme … Medtem doma v Nemčiji Hutterjevo nevesto Ellen preganjajo grozljivi prividi …

Napovednik :

Gotska zgodba o obsedenosti med mlado žensko in strašnim vampirjem, ki je zaljubljen vanjo in za sabo pušča nepopisno grozo.

Predprodaja vstopnic : Galerija Alga.


»/…/ film, ki se zdi, kot bi bil pričaran iz najtemnejših globin čistega zla. Eggersovo najbolj suvereno delo; kar čutimo lahko njegove obsesije, kako se pretakajo skozi vsako sličico. Lily-Rose Depp in Bill Skarsgård sta osupljiva.«

– Jordan Raup

»V filmu se kristalizira Eggersovo raziskovanje zla kot prvinske sile, ki je enako nerazdružno povezana z obstojem kot poželenje in izvira iz iste božanskosti kot dobrota. Zlo je tako neločljiv del nas, da boj proti njemu zahteva velike žrtve.«

– Carlos Aguilar

»Z Nosferatujem, enim najbolj zapeljivo srhljivih filmov vseh časov, Robert Eggers nadaljuje svoj navdušujoči niz podrobno izdelanih in evokativnih zgodovinskih filmov. Lily-Rose Depp v dih jemajoči portret mračne obsedenosti vloži vsak košček svojega telesa in duše, upodobitev grofa Orloka pa je tako prevzemajoča, da njegovo prisotnost čutimo tudi takrat, ko ga ni na platnu.«

– Matt Neglia

»Nosferatu Roberta Eggersa je prava kostumska poslastica; izvrstno posneta in učinkovito pripovedovana fantastična grozljivka.«

– Anne Thompson

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Center za kulturo, šport in prireditve Izola
Kraška 1, 6310 Izola
051 396 283
Location: Kraška 1, 6310 Izola