Nosferatu, Eine s Animalmphonie des Grauens, 1922, Germany
Directed By F. / Murnau
Language: silent film, subtitles in SLO
Playing: Max Schreck, Alexander Granach, Gustav von Wangenheim
creepy, 01h34min
Real estate agent Thomas Hutter, from the German-based 6isborg, travels to Transylvania to meet Count Orlok, who plans to buy a house in Hutter's neighborhood. There he will be horrified to realize that Orlok is a bloodthirsty vampire. His city and his wife Ellen thus find themselves in mortal danger.
It has been more than 100 years since director F. / / Murnau made this absolute masterpiece of German Expressionism, an otherwise unofficial adaptation of Stoker's novel Dracula, which forever changed the image of horror films and cinema in general. She served as the first memorable movie monster masterfully played by Ma / al / Schreck, and was the first to offer and implement many techniques and elements that have been imitated by all horror films ever since.
Pensioners, students: 4 EUR
Members: 3 EUR.
Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.
Nosferatu, Eine Symphonie des Grauens, 1922, Nemčija
Režija: F. W. Murnau
Jezik: nemi film, podnapisi v SLO
Igrajo: Max Schreck, Alexander Granach, Gustav von Wangenheim
srhljivka, 01h34min
Nepremičninski agent Thomas Hutter iz nemškega Wisborga odpotuje v Transilvanijo na srečanje z grofom Orlokom, ki namerava kupiti hišo v Hutterjevi soseski. Tam bo zgrožen spoznal, da je Orlok krvoločni vampir. Njegovo mesto in žena Ellen se tako znajdeta v smrtni nevarnosti.
Že več kot 100 let mineva, odkar je režiser F.W. Murnau posnel to absolutno mojstrovino nemškega ekspresionizma, sicer neuradno adaptacijo Stokerjevega romana Drakula, ki je za vedno spremenila podobo grozljivk in filma nasploh. Postregla je s prvo nepozabno filmsko pošastjo, ki jo je mojstrsko odigral Max Schreck, in kot prva ponudila in uveljavila številne tehnike in elemente, ki so jih od takrat naprej posnemale vse grozljivke.
Upokojenci, študenti: 4 EUR
Člani: 3 EUR.
Predprodaja vstopnic : Galerija Alga.