Nutria events

A night of short films for the little ones: little animals and magical creatures NOČ KRATKIH FILMOV za najmlajše: Živalice in čarobna bitja

theatre children

In the program short for the little ones: animals and magical creatures (6+) will be in collaboration with :D'SAF! five Slovenian animated short films: this is how it grows ... Bee (Miha F. Kalan and Jernej Zhmitek, 2022, 5'), Bimberli (Rok Predin, 2022, 15'), Prince Ki-Ki-Do – Zima (Gregor Mastnak, 2017, 5'), Weasel (Timon Leder, 2016, 11') and cat Muri – Ples (Jernej Zhmitek, 2023, 13').

The Program is aimed at children from the age of six, featuring cute heroes – everyday animals, superheroes and fantasy creatures – who, through playful stories, raise topics about nature, friendship and mutual assistance.

V programu Kratki za najmlajše: Živalice in čarobna bitja (6+) bo v sodelovanju z :D'SAF! na ogled pet slovenskih animiranih kratkih filmov: Tako zraste ... Čebela (Miha F. Kalan in Jernej Žmitek, 2022, 5'), Bimberli (Rok Predin, 2022, 15'), Princ Ki-Ki-Do – Zima (Gregor Mastnak, 2017, 5 '), Podlasica (Timon Leder, 2016, 11') in Maček Muri – Ples (Jernej Žmitek, 2023, 13' ).

Program je namenjen otrokom od šestega leta starosti, v njem nastopajo prikupni junaki – vsakdanje živali, superjunaki in domišljijska bitja – ki skozi igrive zgodbe odpirajo teme o naravi, prijateljstvu in medsebojni pomoči.

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
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Dijaška ulica 12c, 5220 Tolmin
Matjaž Žbogar
(05) 38 11 683
Mobile Phone:
041 625 803
Location: Tolmin, Kinogledališče