Nutria events

"No Border Illustrious Festival" "No Border Wine Festival"

festival gastronomy

No Border Modine Festival Vol.2 will take place 15. 2. 2025 in the picturesque space of the basement of the Lendava Castle. At the International Wine Festival, you will be able to taste wines with minimal interventions Without Borders. We invited winemakers from Slovenia and neighboring countries who believe in such wines.

Join us for a day of delicious wines and enjoying good company and good music.

See you in the basement!


No Border Wine Festival Vol.2 bo potekal 15. 2. 2025 v slikovitem prostoru kleti lendavskega gradu. Na mednarodnem festivalu vin boste lahko okusili vina z minimalnimi posegi brez meja. Povabili smo vinarje iz Slovenije in sosednjih držav, ki verjamejo v tovrstna vina.

Pridružite se nam na dnevu okusnih vin in uživanju v dobri družbi ter dobri glasbi.

Se vidimo v grajski kleti!

Na zdravje!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Turistično-informacijski center Lendava
+386 (0)2 578 83 90
Location: Lendava