Nutria events

Nina Stopar: encounters on the outskirts of the self Nina Stopar: Srečevanja na obrobju jaza

culture exhibition

Nina Stopar: encounters on the outskirts of the self

17. 1.–15. 2. 2025


You are cordially invited to the opening of the solo exhibition meeting on the outskirts of the self of the painter, performer and poet Nina Stopar , which will take place on Friday, 17. in January 2025, at 18. hours at the artkit Exhibition Center .


"When does it all start? When I grab a brush and walk to the canvas?

I dance, move around the canvas and all around. I combine different materials, and the creative process is more important than what remains/arises in the end. The process is the core of my creation. Pictures are just documents, like a memory of something that happened.

I use the images to depict what is beyond identification and return to the origin of movement, color and line as pure pre-conceptual abstract gestures. I can say that my art is embryonic if it shows the potentiality of the preconcrete, like a dance between everything and nothing. In silence that is not empty, there is emptiness that is not silent. The white space is also filled with installations made from found, discarded objects, which, on the contrary, express the potentiality of something that has lost value, as, perhaps, silence.«

At his first solo exhibition in Maribor, he questions how much people and space determine US and what we actually are or who I or a person is other than space and people who determine. She is interested in the question of identity, the question of authenticity, and how much such determination and encounter shape the image of the one who looks through the eyes, and the image of this moment, here and now.

Nina Stopar relates her painting style to the heritage of action painting and abstract expressionism ... she herself says that this is the intuition of the body: "I am the brush, I am the color, I am the form, I am the painting. I like to get lost in the unconscious field of painting to find my true expression.«


Nina Stopar (roj. 1982) is a professor of Slovene language and philosophy, poet, visual artist and dancer, who graduated from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana in 2007 and completed her master's degree at the same institution in 2016 with the work Contemporary Art in philosophical reflection under the mentorship of Dr. Lev Kreft. After almost ten years of teaching, she switched to the field of visual art and in 2021 she completed a master's degree in painting at the Ljubljana ALUO with the work Body Painting as a spiritual change in time of uncertainty under the mentorship of Prof. Serge Kapus and Dr. Lev Kreft. Since then, she has been engaged in a variety of creative practices, ranging from classical painting to body painting and Performance, Dance and poetry.

He lives and works in Crane, in the municipality of Montenegro in Carinthia and Ljubljana.

< Nina Stopar: Dancing with Moonlight, mixed technique, 2023-24; photo: Dobran Laznik

artKIT, main square 14, Maribor

Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday from 15. to 19. hours, Saturday from 10. to 13. hours

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Nina Stopar: Srečevanja na obrobju jaza

17. 1.–15. 2. 2025


Vljudno vabljeni na odprtje samostojne razstave Srečevanja na obrobju jaza slikarke, performerke in pesnice Nine Stopar , ki bo v petek, 17. januarja 2025, ob 18. uri v razstavišču artKIT .


»Kdaj se vse začne? Ko zagrabim čopič in stopim k platnu?

Plešem, premikam se po platnu in povsod naokoli. Združujem različne materiale in ustvarjalni proces je pomembnejši od tega, kar ostane/nastane na koncu. Proces je jedro mojega ustvarjanja. Slike so zgolj dokumenti, kakor spomin na nekaj, kar se je zgodilo.

S slikami upodabljam, kar je onkraj identifikacije, in se vračam k izvoru giba, barve in črte kot čiste predpojmovne abstraktne geste. Lahko rečem, da je moja umetnost embrionalna, če prikazuje potencialnost predkonkretnega, kot ples med vsem in ničemer. V tišini, ki ni prazna, je praznina, ki ni tiha. Bel prostor polnijo tudi instalacije, narejene iz najdenih, zavrženih predmetov, ki nasprotno izražajo potencialnost nečesa, kar je izgubilo vrednost, kot morda tišina.«

Na svoji prvi samostojni razstavi v Mariboru preizprašuje, koliko nas ljudje in prostor določajo in kaj pravzaprav smo oziroma kdo pravzaprav je jaz ali človek drugega kot prostor in ljudje, ki da določajo. Zanima jo vprašanje identitete, vprašanje avtentičnosti in koliko takšne določitve in srečanja oblikujejo podobo tistega, ki gleda skozi oči, in podobo tega trenutka, tukaj in zdaj.

Nina Stopar svoj slikarski način navezuje na dediščino akcijskega slikarstva in abstraktnega ekspresionizma … Sama pravi, da je to intuicija telesa: »Jaz sem čopič, jaz sem barva, jaz sem oblika, jaz sem slika. Rada se izgubim v nezavednem polju slikanja, da najdem svoj resnični izraz.«


Nina Stopar (roj. 1982) je profesorica slovenskega jezika in filozofije, pesnica, vizualna umetnica in plesalka, ki je leta 2007 diplomirala na ljubljanski Filozofski fakulteti in na isti ustanovi leta 2016 končala še magistrski študij z delom Sodobna umetnost v filozofski refleksiji pod mentorstvom dr. Leva Krefta. Po skoraj desetih letih poučevanja se je preusmerila na področje vizualne umetnosti in leta 2021 sklenila še magistrski študij slikarstva na ljubljanski ALUO z delom Slikarstvo telesa kot duhovna sprememba v času nedoločenosti pod mentorstvom prof. Sergeja Kapusa in dr. Leva Krefta. Odtlej se ukvarja z raznovrstnimi ustvarjalnimi praksami, in sicer od klasičnega slikarstva do slikanja s telesom in performansi, plesa in poezije.

Živi in dela v Žerjavu, v občini Črna na Koroškem in Ljubljani.

< Nina Stopar: Ples z mesečino, mešana tehnika, 2023–24; foto: Dobran Laznik

artKIT, Glavni trg 14, Maribor

Odpiralni čas: od torka do petka od 15. do 19. ure, v soboto od 10. do 13. ure

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kulturno izobraževalno društvo KIBLA
Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija
059 076 371
Location: Glavni trg 14, Maribor, Slovenija