The exhibition is on display from 7. to 28. February 2025. The Vetrinjski Exhibition Center is open every weekday from 10. to 15. hours or by appointment.
You are invited to the opening and viewing of the exhibition of editorial illustration "N / A".
Two prominent creators of editorial illustration present their works at the exhibition: Marko Horvat , who has been enriching the pages of the evening and other reputable publications with his illustrations for many years, and Roman Rajman , assistant professor at ALUO, whose recognizable style can be admired on the covers of The Diary lens. The exhibition offers a unique insight into how illustrators with their interpretation co-shape the media space and visually comment on social events.
Marko Horvat is a former dicar, master of design, digital experience planner and illustrator. After completing his studies (ALUO, Central Saint Martins, London College of Communication), he works as a freelance designer. The exhibition presents a selection of illustrations that have been created in recent years for various clients (evening, UGM, Cukrarna, ...).
Roman Rajman is a former dicar, graduate graphic designer, illustrator and higher education teacher. With the title of assistant professor of visual communications, he is employed at UL ALUO. At the exhibition presents a selection of covers for Diary lens. In addition to artistic and communication challenges, he is interested in cycling and the approximate harmony of family relationships.
The exhibition Nerednico is the host of the exhibition, which was first shown at the DIC Gallery, Ljubljana (november 2024 – January 2025), and was created as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the exhibition. anniversary of Ivan Cankar.
Kindly invited!
Razstava je na ogled od 7. do 28. februarja 2025. Razstavišče Vetrinjski je odprto vsak delovnik od 10. do 15. ure ali po dogovoru.
Vabljeni na otvoritev in ogled razstave uredniške ilustracije "Nèredniško".
Na razstavi svoja dela predstavljata dva vidna ustvarjalca uredniške ilustracije: Marko Horvat , ki s svojimi ilustracijami že vrsto let bogati strani Večera in drugih uglednih publikacij, ter Roman Ražman , docent na ALUO, čigar prepoznaven slog lahko občudujemo na naslovnicah Dnevnikovega Objektiva. Razstava ponuja edinstven vpogled v to, kako ilustratorji s svojo interpretacijo sooblikujejo medijski prostor in vizualno komentirajo družbeno dogajanje.
Marko Horvat je nekdanji dicar, magister oblikovanja, načrtovalec digitalnih izkušenj in ilustrator. Po zaključenem študiju (ALUO, Central Saint Martins, London College of Communication) deluje kot samostojni oblikovalec. Na razstavi predstavlja izbor ilustracij, ki so bile ustvarjene v zadnjih letih za različne naročnike (Večer, UGM, Cukrarna, ...).
Roman Ražman je nekdanji dicar, diplomirani grafični oblikovalec, ilustrator in visokošolski učitelj. Z nazivom docent za vizualne komunikacije je zaposlen na UL ALUO. Na razstavi predstavlja izbor naslovnic za Dnevnikov Objektiv. Poleg likovnih in komunikacijskih izzivov ga zanimata kolesarjenje in približna harmoničnost družinskih razmerij.
Razstava Neredniško je gostovanje razstave, ki je bila prvič na ogled v Galeriji DIC, Ljubljana (november 2024 – januar 2025), in je nastala v okviru praznovanja 80. obletnice Dijaškega doma Ivana Cankarja.
Vljudno vabljeni!