Nutria events

Unexpected Christmas (family comedy NEPRIČAKOVAN BOŽIČ (družinska komedija)

theatre entertainment

An American couple brings their ten-year-old daughter, Claire, to her grandfather's Hotel, La Animatrenco, in the Dolomites, Italy. They usually come there for Christmas, but this year already in August. The parents are breaking up and they want grandpa La Amacrence to be the one to tell Claire the news. Hoping that her parents will change their minds about the divorce, Claire asks if they can celebrate one last Christmas as a family right now, in mid-August. Grandpa and Claire come up with a plan to reunite their parents, but run into unexpected difficulties in implementation.

Directed By: Peter Chelsea

Screenplay: Peter Chelsea, Tinker Lindsa /

Played By: Luca Bagnoli, Tre Animatorston Braine, Valeria Cavalli, Dann Animator DeVito

Duration: 91 minutes

Ameriški par pripelje svojo desetletno hčerko Claire v hotel njenega dedka Lawrenca v Dolomitih v Italiji. Običajno pridejo tja za božič, letos pa že avgusta. Starša se namreč razhajata in želita, da je dedek Lawrence tisti, ki bo novico povedal Claire. V upanju, da si bosta starša glede ločitve premislila, Claire prosi, če lahko praznujejo še zadnji božič kot družina kar zdaj, sredi avgusta. Dedek in Claire skujeta načrt, s katerim bi starša ponovno združila, a pri izvedbi naletita na nepričakovane težave.

Režija: Peter Chelsom

Scenarij: Peter Chelsom, Tinker Lindsay

Igrajo: Luca Bagnoli, Treyston Braine, Valeria Cavalli, Danny DeVito

Trajanje: 91 minut

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