Nutria events

The most beautiful cakes from A to Z: pastry workshops with Erika Jerkic Vienna Najlepše torte od A do Ž: Slaščičarske delavnice z Eriko Jerkič Beč

workshop gastronomy

Mlinotest D. D. Food Industry,, 05 3644500.

Pre-registrations are necessary, the indicated price is valid for the purchase of all four workshops.

The series of confectionery workshops the most beautiful cakes from A to Z with Erika Jerkic Vienna is intended for all those who would like to improve in the preparation of cakes that will not only taste heavenly, but also decorated in the way that only the best confectioners decorate them. The workshops are also suitable for beginners, and Erika will share with you all the tricks and secrets from the first step onwards. Pre-registration is necessary for participation in or personally in the Rust's House of bread to fill the places. More information at

The set of workshops consists of three parts: the first part is devoted to learning about recipes and tricks for baking biscuit for cakes (as well as maffins and dough for pies); in the second you will learn how to prepare creams and fillings of zatorte; and the third part (consisting of two workshops) will be devoted to assembling and decorating the cake.

9. January from 18h to 20h: the most beautiful cakes from A to Z, 1. part: biscuit, maffini, pie dough

The first workshop will be dedicated to learning about various test for the preparation of desserts. You will learn the most basic recipe for making a biscuit that always succeeds, along with little tricks on how to prepare the base for each cake without prior knowledge .We will get to know a little more demanding recipe when baking muffins, which are an excellent base for muffins with various additives such as nuts, chocolate,... or take as a base a cupcake with cream fillings and decoration. And the third will be a pie dough, monoportion pies or Groats,... Such dough can be baked with filling or individually, and later stuffed with various creams. Together we will prepare all three types of dough, mix, knead, roll and bake.

16. January from 18h to 20h: the most beautiful cakes from A to Z, 2.part one: preparation of creams and fillings for cakes

Another workshop is dedicated to the preparation of creams. The most commonly used cream is simple egg-free mousse, which is also suitable for children and pregnant women. The most simple cream without the use of gelling agent and the most suitable for all beginners is mascarpone cream, which can be added various flavors. We will start with these very simpler creams, and then we will move on to the more complex ones. It takes a little more time to prepare the ganache cream, but the most demanding is the preparation of the fruit curdo. At the workshop, we will cook egg cream with fruit puree together. It is suitable for fillings of cakes, pies, muffins, this workshop, participants will choose the flavors that they will prepare in the third workshop to assemble the cake.

23. and 30. January from 18h to 21h: the most beautiful cakes from A to Z, 3. part: assembling the cake and decorating the cake

The third part is devoted to the composition of cakes and decorating and consists of two meetings. We will learn about the gadgets and tricks of assembling cakes, and then practically assemble each one of their own cake. At the last meeting, we will learn the basics of smearing and assembling multi-storey cakes, all the necessary accessories for decoration, followed by a demonstration of various decorating techniques. We will finish with the practical part, where each participant will smear and decorate their cake at will.

The first and second workshops are independent (e.g. you can only apply for the first or second workshops); the third and fourth workshops form a whole, so when you register, apply for both. When registering for all workshops from A to Z, we will grant you a discount of EUR 30 (EUR 170 instead of EUR 200). For the workshop, we also provide the opportunity to purchase and use the gift certificate of the rustic bread house. More information at . Upon completion of all workshops, the participant receives recognition for completing the course.

Mlinotest d. d. Živilska industrija,, 05 3644500.

Predprijave so nujne, navedena cena velja za nakup vseh štirih delavnic.

Sklop slaščičarskih delavnic Najlepše torte od A do Ž z Eriko Jerkič Beč je namenjen vsem tistim, ki bi se radi izpopolnili v pripravi tort, ki bodo ne samo nebeškega okusa, temveč tudi okrašene tako, kot jih okrasijo le najboljši slaščičarji. Delavnice so primerne tudi za začetnike, Erika pa bo z vami delila vse trike in skrivnosti od prvega koraka dalje. Za udeležbo so nujne predprijave na ali osebno v Rustjevi hiši kruha do zapolnitve mest. Več informacij na

Sklop delavnic je sestavljen iz treh delov: prvi del je namenjen spoznavanju receptov in trikov za peko biskvita za torte (pa tudi maffinov in testa za pite); na drugem se boste naučili pripraviti kreme in polnila zatorte; tretji del (sestavljen iz dveh delavnic) pa se bo posvetil sestavljanju in krašenju torte.

9. januar od 18h do 20h: Najlepše torte od A do Ž, 1. del: biskviti, maffini,testo za pite

Cena: 40 eur

Prva delavnica bo posvečena spoznavanju različnih test za pripravo sladic. Naučili se boste najbolj osnovni recept za pripravo biskvita, ki vedno uspe, skupaj z malimi triki, kako brez predhodnega znanja pripravimo osnovo za vsako torto .Malo bolj zahteven recept bomo spoznali pri peki mafinov, ki so odlična osnova za kolačke z raznimi dodatki, kot so oreščki, čokolada,... ali pa kot osnova kolačkom s polnili kreme in dekoracijo. Tretje pa bo testo za pito, monoporcijske pite ali drobljenec,... Takšno testo lahko pečemo z nadevom ali posamezno, ter ga kasneje polnimo z raznimi kremami. Skupaj bomo pripravili vse tri vrste testa, zmešali, zgnetli, razvaljali in spekli.

16. januar od 18h do 20h: Najlepše torte od A do Ž, 2.del: priprava krem in polnil za torte

Cena: 40 eur

Druga delavnica je posvečena pripravi krem. Največkrat uporabljena krema je enostavni mousse brez jajc, ki je primeren tudi za otroke in nosečnice. Najbolj enostavna krema brez uporabe želirnega sredstva in najbolj primerna za vse začetnike pa je mascarpone krema, kateri lahko dodajamo razne arome. Začeli bomo prav s temi enostavnejšimi kremami, nato pa bomo zakorakali v zahtevnejše. Malo več časa vzame priprava ganache kreme, najzahtevnejša pa je priprava sadnega curda. Na delavnici bomo skupaj kuhali jajčno kremo s sadnim pirejem. Primerna je za polnila tort, pit, mafinov,...Na tej delavnici bodo udeleženci izbrali okuse, ki jih bodo na tretji delavnici pripravili za sestavljanje torte.

23. in 30. januar od 18h do 21h: Najlepše torte od A do Ž, 3. del: sestavljanje torte in krašenje torte

Cena: 120 eur (cena je za dve srečanji)

Tretji del je namenjen sestavi tort in krašenju ter je sestavljen iz dveh srečanj. Spoznali bomo pripomočke in trike sestavljanja tort, nato pa še praktično sestavili vsak svojo torto. Na zadnjem srečanju bomo spoznali osnove obmazovanja in sestavljanje večnadstropnih tort, vse potrebne pripomočke za dekoracijo, sledi pa še prikaz različnih tehnik okraševanja. Zaključili bomo s praktičnim delom, kjer bo vsak udeleženec obmazal in poljubno dekoriral svojo torto.

Prva in druga delavnica sta samostojni (lahko se npr. prijavite le na prvo ali drugo delavnico); tretja in četrta delavnica pa tvorita celoto, zato se ob prijavi prijavite na obe. Ob prijavi na vse delavnice iz sklopa Najlepše torte od A do Ž vam priznamo popust v višini 30eur (170 eur namesto 200 eur). Za delavnico omogočamo tudi možnost nakupa in koriščenjadarilnega bona Rustjeve hiše kruha. Več informacij na . Ob zaključku vseh delavnic udeleženec prejme priznanje za opravljen tečaj.

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Rustjeva hiša kruha Ajdovščina
Location: Rustjeva hiša kruha, Prešernova ulica 5, 5270 Ajdovščina