Live by sezr / living Large, 2024, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France
Directed By: Kristina Dufkov /
Language: dubbed into Slovenian
animation, 01h20min
Ben is a normal twelve-year-old: he goes to school, is a good student with a sense of ironic humor and a passion for music and food. She and her friend Erik play in a musical group, Ben writes lyrics and sings, and she and her veterinarian mother take care of abandoned animals. Although his parents are divorced, both of them still devote themselves lovingly to him. Most of all, Ben loves food, both cooking and eating. In the past, he always humorously rejected teasers at the expense of his obesity, but everything changes with the charming Clara. Suddenly his weight becomes a problem. Therefore, despite his love for food, Ben decides to take a drastic measure – he starts a diet. In doing so, he realizes how important it is to feel good in your own skin and trust that those closest to you love you even when it doesn't seem like it.
Trailer :
A warm story about self-esteem during growing up, peer relationships, first loves and confidence in life. The apparent lightness of the narrative adds wit and sparkle to important topics, while delivering a deep message of self-acceptance.
Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.
about the author
Kristina Dufkov / is a Czech director of animated films. She studied animation at the film and television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, where she also graduated. She has created several animated films and co-directed the feature films Fimf Animalrum-Do t animletice vseho dobr malchoho (2011) and Zubat / Nekouse! (2019). For her animated short Usnula jsem (2008), she won the Best Animated film Award at anifest in 2009. In addition to animation, he also works in illustration and graphic design.
"Full! it stands out for its themes – obesity in children's cinema remains taboo – and its characteristic animation style. / ... / Dufka's dolls, like adolescence, are just angular and awkward creatures that still do not feel at their best in their skin.«
– Wendy Ide, Screen Daily
"The director skillfully and tactilely portrays Ben and the emotions of the other characters, and she is truly exceptional. Responses that can be read literally on their faces do not need words. / ... / Excess weight and confusion of first love are the central themes of the film, but in the end it turns out that the essence of the story is Ben's love for himself. At a certain point in life, when the reassuring world of childhood is constantly calling and inviting us away from the unknowns of adulthood, Ben struggles to find his voice. In addition to the usual adolescent ailments, acceptance of oneself is a universal topic that can appeal to both younger and older people.«
- Giorgia Del Don, Cineuropa
Život k sežrání / Living Large, 2024, Češka, Slovaška, Francija
Režija: Kristina Dufková
Jezik: Sinhronizirano v slovenščino
animacija, 01h20min
Ben je običajen dvanajstletnik: hodi v šolo, je dober učenec s smislom za ironični humor ter strastjo do glasbe in hrane. S prijateljem Erikom igrata v glasbeni skupini, Ben piše besedila in poje, z mamo veterinarko pa skrbi za zapuščene živali. Čeprav sta starša ločena, se mu oba še vedno ljubeče posvečata. Najbolj od vsega pa Ben obožuje hrano, tako kuhanje kot uživanje. V preteklosti je vedno s humorjem zavračal zbadljivke na račun svoje debelosti, vendar se z očarljivo Klaro vse spremeni. Nenadoma postane njegova teža problem. Zato se Ben kljub ljubezni do hrane odloči za drastičen ukrep – začne z dieto. Pri tem spoznava, kako pomembno je dobro počutje v lastni koži in zaupanje, da te imajo najbližji radi tudi takrat, ko se ne zdi tako.
Napovednik :
Topla zgodba o samopodobi v času odraščanja, vrstniških odnosih, prvih ljubeznih in zaupanju v življenje. Navidezna lahkotnost pripovedi pomembnim temam doda duhovitost in iskrivost, hkrati pa prinaša globoko sporočilo o sprejemanju samega sebe.
Predprodaja vstopnic : Galerija Alga.
o avtorici
Kristina Dufková je češka režiserka animiranih filmov. Študirala je animacijo na Fakulteti za film in televizijo Akademije za uprizoritvene umetnosti v Pragi, kjer je tudi diplomirala. Ustvarila je več animiranih filmov in sorežirala celovečerca Fimfárum – Do třetice všeho dobrého (2011) in Zubatá nekouše! (2019). Za svoj animirani kratkometražec Usnula jsem (2008) je leta 2009 prejela nagrado za najboljši animirani film na AniFestu. Poleg animacije se ukvarja tudi z ilustracijo in grafičnim oblikovanjem.
»Na polno! izstopa po svojih temah – debelost v otroški kinematografiji ostaja tabu – in značilnem slogu animacije. /…/ Dufkine lutke so tako kot mladostništvo samo oglata in nerodna bitja, ki se v svoji koži še vedno ne počutijo najbolje.«
– Wendy Ide, Screen Daily
»Režiserka vešče in otipljivo upodobi Benova ter čustva drugih likov, pri čemer je resnično izjemna. Odzivi, ki jih lahko dobesedno preberemo na njihovih obrazih, ne potrebujejo besed. /…/ Odvečna teža in zmedenost prve ljubezni sta osrednji temi filma, vendar se na koncu izkaže, da je bistvo zgodbe Benova ljubezen do samega sebe. Na določeni točki življenja, ko nas pomirjujoč otroški svet nenehno kliče in vabi stran od neznank odraslosti, se Ben bori, da bi našel svoj glas. Poleg običajnih mladostniških tegob je sprejemanje samega sebe univerzalna tema, ki lahko nagovori tako mlajše kot starejše.«
– Giorgia Del Don, Cineuropa