Nutria events

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dubbed / Family animated film / live action by sezr / 1H 20min / directed by: Kristina Dufkov / written by: Petr Jarchovsk / Czech Republic, Slovakia, France

12 – year-old Ben has just reached puberty, and his weight suddenly becomes a problem-for him and for others. The other children mock him, and his divorced parents do not know what to do. Even the school nurse is worried about him. Therefore, despite his love for food and cooking, Ben decides to take a drastic measure – he starts a diet. Perhaps things will turn for the better and he will even conquer Clara, his dream girl. In doing so, we realize that what matters is not how you look, but how you feel in your own skin.

sinhronizirano / družinski animirani film / Život k sežrání / 1h 20min / režija: Kristina Dufková / scenarij: Petr Jarchovský / Češka, Slovaška, Francija

12-letni Ben je pravkar prišel v puberteto in njegova teža nenadoma postane problem – zanj in za druge. Drugi otroci se mu posmehujejo, njegova ločena starša pa ne vesta, kaj storiti. Zanj je zaskrbljena celo šolska medicinska sestra. Zato se Ben kljub ljubezni do hrane in kuhanja odloči za drastičen ukrep – začne z dieto. Morda se bodo stvari obrnile na bolje in bo celo osvojil Klaro, svoje sanjsko dekle. Pri tem spoznava, da ni pomembno, kako si videti, ampak kako se počutiš v lastni koži.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kino Rogaška
Celjska cesta 3a, 3250 Rogaška Slatina
041 714 903
Location: Celjska cesta 3a, 3250 Rogaška Slatina