We invite you to the museum in Malha-visit the Museum at the Castle GE Amaterkenegg in Idrija with enriched content for children and families
Shh! If you like to explore and are interested in hidden stories, we have prepared a novelty for you at the Idrija City Museum: we have enriched the permanent exhibitions at the Castle GE Amakterkenegg with 10 stations, especially aimed at Children and families. Simply follow the signs and discover in a playful way the secrets of the heritage of mercury, Idrija lace and Castle stories from the past. They hide in the Malha of the cunning smuggler Melhiorca, who lived in the 18th century. century.
The premiere of the public leadership will take place on Presern's day, Saturday, 8. in February 2025, at 11. uri. Free admission.
With the event, we join the commemoration of the central Slovenian cultural holiday. The addition of the exhibitions will since then be constantly on display according to the museum schedule.
Vabimo vas na MUZEJ V MALHI – ogled muzeja na gradu Gewerkenegg v Idriji z obogatenimi vsebinami za otroke in družine
Pssst! Če radi raziskujete in vas zanimajo skrite zgodbe, smo v Mestnem muzeju Idrija za vas pripravili novost: stalne razstave na gradu Gewerkenegg smo obogatili z 10 postajami, namenjenimi zlasti otrokom in družinam. Preprosto sledite oznakam in na igriv način odkrijte skrivnosti dediščine živega srebra, idrijske čipke in grajskih zgodb iz preteklosti. Skrivajo se v malhi prebrisane tihotapke Melhiorce, ki je živela v 18. stoletju.
Premierno javno vodstvo bo na Prešernov dan, v soboto, 8. februarja 2025, ob 11. uri. Vstop prost.
Z dogodkom se pridružujemo obeleženju osrednjega slovenskega kulturnega praznika. Dopolnitev razstav bo odtlej stalno na ogled po muzejskem urniku.