Nutria events

MUFASA: The Lion King (Syn. animated family film) MUFASA: LEVJI KRALJ (sinh. animirani družinski film)


The legend tells of the unexpected rise of the beloved king of the land, Mufasa. The story is told through flashbacks and takes us to a time when Mufasa was an orphaned cub, lost and alone, until he met the compassionate Lion Taka – the heir to the royal bloodline. This chance encounter sets off the extraordinary journey of a group of idiots in search of their destiny – their relationships will be put to the test as they try to escape from a deadly enemy together.

Directed By Barr / Jenkins

Script: Linda Woolverton, Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts

Length: 120 minutes

Legenda govori o nepričakovanem vzponu ljubljenega kralja dežele, Mufase. Zgodba je pripovedovana skozi spominske prebliske in nas popelje v čas, ko je bil Mufasa osiroteli mladič, izgubljen in sam, dokler ni srečal sočutnega leva Taka – dediča kraljeve krvne linije. To naključno srečanje sproži izjemno potovanje skupine posebnežev, ki iščejo svojo usodo – njihovi odnosi bodo na preizkušnji, ko bodo skupaj poskušali pobegniti pred smrtonosnim sovražnikom.

Režija: Barry Jenkins

Scenarij: Linda Woolverton, Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts

Dolžina: 120 minut

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