The legend tells of the unexpected rise of the beloved king of the land, Mufasa. The story is told through flashbacks and takes us to a time when Mufasa was an orphaned cub, lost and alone, until he met the compassionate Lion Taka – the heir to the royal bloodline. This chance encounter sets off the extraordinary journey of a group of idiots in search of their destiny – their relationships will be put to the test as they try to escape from a deadly enemy together.
Directed By Barr / Jenkins
Script: Linda Woolverton, Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts
Length: 120 minutes
Legenda govori o nepričakovanem vzponu ljubljenega kralja dežele, Mufase. Zgodba je pripovedovana skozi spominske prebliske in nas popelje v čas, ko je bil Mufasa osiroteli mladič, izgubljen in sam, dokler ni srečal sočutnega leva Taka – dediča kraljeve krvne linije. To naključno srečanje sproži izjemno potovanje skupine posebnežev, ki iščejo svojo usodo – njihovi odnosi bodo na preizkušnji, ko bodo skupaj poskušali pobegniti pred smrtonosnim sovražnikom.
Režija: Barry Jenkins
Scenarij: Linda Woolverton, Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts
Dolžina: 120 minut