Nutria events

Pussycat with Santa Claus visit Muca Copatarica z obiskom dedka Mraza


A popular fairy tale about a pussy that takes away slippers from irregular children. The children decide to find Muca's home and their slippers. In the forest, however, they meet many animals that also know the pussy. Together they find her house. Who knows if the pussy will give the children back their slippers...?

A puppet fairy tale is told with dolls, accompanied by live music and children's songs.

Production: Fru-Fru puppet theater and the House of children and art

After the performance, all the children will be greeted by Santa Claus. At your request, he can also give them gifts. In this case, the price of a child ticket is 7/. You bring the gift yourself. For more accurate information regarding gifting and Listing, be sure to write to

For children from 18. months on, 55', 5 €/7 €/7 €, mandatory ticket reservations

Priljubljena pravljica o muci, ki nerednim otrokom odnese copate. Otroci sklenejo poiskati mucin dom in svoje copatke. V gozdu pa srečajo mnogo živali, ki muco tudi poznajo. S skupnimi močmi najdejo njeno hišico. Kdo ve, ali bo muca otrokom vrnila njihove copatke …?

Lutkovna pravljica je pripovedovana z lutkami, ob živo izvajani glasbi in otroških pesmicah.

Produkcija: Lutkovno gledališče Fru-Fru in Hiša otrok in umetnosti

Po predstavi bo vse otroke pozdravil dedek Mraz. Na vašo željo jih lahko tudi obdari. V tem primeru je cena otroške vstopnice 7 €. Darilo prinesete sami. Za natančnejše informacije glede obdarovanja in uvrstitev na seznam obvezno pišite na

Za otroke od 18. meseca dalje, 55′, 5 €/7 €/7 €, obvezne rezervacije vstopnic

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Društvo Hiša otrok in umetnosti
Hudovernikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Irena Rajh
Mobile Phone:
Location: Hiša otrok in umetnosti