Nutria events



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Directed By: Matjaz Schmalc

Translator: Oton Mayor

Director: Matjaz Schmalc

Assistant director: Andr documents Klemen

Dramaturg: Evelin Bizjak

Set Designer: Ana Rahela Klopcic

Costume Designer: Katarina Zalar

Assistant costume designer: Bojan Vister

Editor: Tatjana Stanic

Consultants for the movement: Nina Meshko and Neza Ines Bojovic

Author of music: Mauricio Vald Enterics San Emeterio

Light designer: Gregor t Animatrner

Premiere: 6. March 2024, St. James stage. For the first time on the stage.

The performance lasts 1 hour 45 minutes and has no break.

Recognition for the female role, Laura Ivancic (Beatrice), Linhart regional meeting, Medvode, 6. June 2024


Do Pedro's Photo: Anja Garbajs

To Juanita: Urska Klajn Marion

Domen Blatnik

Hero: Urska Kozhelj

Beatrice: Laura Ivancic

Benedikt: Luka Polc

Leonato: Bojan Vister

Boraccio: Jasha Levstik

Dina: Jasmina Bejtovic

Zimoles: Rok Pirnat

By Tone Bertoncelj

Father Francis, Scribe: Dragan Remskar

Ursula, Margareta: Jara Sofia Ostan

Officer, Messenger: Tim Delac Hrovatin

Other contributors:

Performance manager and whisperer: Ana Bajt | Assistant performance manager: Nino Budimirovi | stage technique: Ivan Kostanjevec, Gregor t'acrner | processing of stage props and elements: Ivan Kostanjevec | lighting technician: Gregor t'acrner | sound technique: Blazh Mikl, Matej Kermavner | making and processing of costumes: Bojan Vister, Nika Dermastja, Rina Groselj and Helena Hafner | mask and Hair Design and makeup artist: Incognito design | wardrobe: Marko Skok, Bojan Vister

About the show:

"If a person's plucking Hurt, who would wear clean and healthy skin?«

A treasure trove of works by William Shakespeare is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, theatrical producers. More than 15 years have passed since the last staging of his works on the St. Jacob's stage, and in a season that focuses its gaze on Love and all the relationships that weave around and because of it, one of his most famous comedies is an excellent choice for meeting demanding, but also extremely witty stage material.

Much ado for nothing is a comedy that deals with themes of love, deception, envy, and mistaken identity. At the forefront of the story are two couples, Benedict and Beatrice and Claudio and Hero, who face various obstacles on their way to happiness. Through plots and misunderstandings, different layers of characters are revealed who face their fears, jealousy and greed, but in the end true love prevails. Shakespeare uses this comedy to highlight some of the human weaknesses and misconceptions about life, while encouraging reflection on the importance of genuine and sincere love in life.

For the first time on the stage.

William Shakespeare

Režija: Matjaž Šmalc

Prevajalec: Oton Župančič

Režiser: Matjaž Šmalc

Asistent režiserja: Andrés Klemen

Dramaturginja: Evelin Bizjak

Scenografka: Ana Rahela Klopčič

Kostumografka: Katarina Zalar

Asistent kostumografke: Bojan Vister

Lektorica: Tatjana Stanič

Svetovalki za gib: Nina Meško in Neža Ines Bojovič

Avtor glasbe: Mauricio Valdés San Emeterio

Oblikovalec svetlobe: Gregor Törner

Premiera: 6. marec 2024, Šentjakobski oder. Prvič na šentjakobskem odru.

Predstava traja 1 uro 45 minut in nima odmora.

PRIZNANJE za žensko vlogo, Laura Ivančič (Beatrice), Linhartovo regijsko srečanje, Medvode, 6. junij 2024

Igralska zasedba:

Doña Pedra: Anja Garbajs

Doña Juanita: Urška Klajn Marion

Claudio: Domen Blatnik

Hero: Urška Koželj

Beatrice: Laura Ivančič

Benedikt: Luka Polc

Leonato: Bojan Vister

Boraccio: Jaša Levstik

Dina: Jasmina Bejtovič

Zimoleš: Rok Pirnat

Čemerika: Tone Bertoncelj

Pater Frančišek, Pisar: Dragan Remškar

Uršula, Margareta: Jara Sofija Ostan

Stražnik, Sel: Tim Delač Hrovatin

Drugi sodelavci:

Vodja predstave in šepetalka: Ana Bajt | Pomočnik vodje predstave: Nino Budimirović | Scenska tehnika: Ivan Kostanjevec, Gregor Törner | Predelava scenskih rekvizitovin elementov: Ivan Kostanjevec | Lučni tehnik: Gregor Törner | Tonska tehnika: Blaž Mikl, Matej Kermavner | Izdelava in predelava kostumov: Bojan Vister, Nika Dermastja, Rina Grošelj in Helena Hafner | Oblikovanje maske in frizur in maskerka: Incognito design | Garderoberja: Marko Skok, Bojan Vister

O predstavi:

»Če bi človeka dovtipanje bolelo, kdo bi nosil čisto in zdravo kožo?«

Zakladnica del Williama Shakespeara je neizčrpen vir navdiha gledališkim ustvarjalcem. Od zadnje uprizoritve katerega njegovih del na Šentjakobskem odru je minilo več kot 15 let in v sezoni, ki usmerja svoj pogled na ljubezen in vse odnose, ki se okoli in zaradi nje pletejo, je ena njegovih najznamenitejših komedij odlična izbira za srečanje z zahtevnim, a tudi izredno duhovitim odrskim materialom.

Mnogo hrupa za nič je komedija, ki obravnava teme ljubezni, prevare, zavisti in zamenjane identitete. V ospredju zgodbe sta dva para, Benedikt in Beatrice ter Claudio in Hero, ki se soočata z različnimi ovirami na svoji poti do sreče. Skozi zaplete in nesporazume se razkrivajo različne plasti likov, ki se soočajo s svojimi strahovi, ljubosumnostjo in pohlepom, vendar na koncu prevlada prava ljubezen. Shakespeare s to svojo komedijo izpostavlja nekatere človeške slabosti in napačne predstave o življenju, obenem pa spodbuja k razmisleku o pomenu pristne in iskrene ljubezni v življenju.

Prvič na Šentjakobskem odru.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Šentjakobsko gledališče Ljubljana
Krekov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana
01/ 23 12 860
Mobile Phone:
031/ 225 230
Location: Šentjakobsko gledališče Ljubljana