Nutria events

Youth social evening: mosaic workshop Mladinski družabni večer: delavnica mozaikov


Gathering at the mosaic workshop.

We invite you to the first youth social evening of this year! We start with a very special free mosaic workshop, where we will create, socialize and get to know this ancient technique together. The youth social evening will take place on Thursday, 16. in January 2025, at 19. hours in a culture incubator.

The workshop will be led by Simona Augustin, creator of mosaics and founder of the Association of Mosaic lovers. For more than 15 years, Simona has been dedicated to creating unique mosaics and conducting workshops where she encourages creativity and expressiveness.


In order to purchase materials and facilitate organization, please register for the workshop in advance at:

Applications are collected until Wednesday, 15. in January 2025.

Druženje ob delavnici mozaikov.

Vabimo vas na prvi mladinski družabni večer letošnjega leta! Začnemo s prav posebno brezplačno delavnico mozaikov, kjer bomo skupaj ustvarjali, se družili in spoznavali to starodavno tehniko. Mladinski družabni večer bo potekal v četrtek, 16. januarja 2025, ob 19. uri v Kulturnem inkubatorju.

Delavnico bo vodila Simona Auguštin, ustvarjalka mozaikov in ustanoviteljica Društva ljubiteljev mozaika. Simona se že več kot 15 let posveča ustvarjanju unikatnih mozaikov ter izvedbi delavnic, kjer spodbuja kreativnost in izraznost.


Zaradi nakupa materiala in lažje organizacije prosimo, da se na delavnico predhodno prijaviš na:

Prijave zbiramo do srede, 15. januarja 2025.

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Mladinski kulturni center Maribor
Location: Kulturni inkubator, Koroška cesta 18, Maribor, Maribor