Nutria events

St. Nicholas with Damjana Golavsek Miklavževanje z Damjano Golavšek

entertainment children

Visit the magical St. Nicholas in Kokra. With this traditional event, the Kokra Tourist Association has been bringing smiles to the faces of children and adults for many years. This year we will be joined again by the outstanding singer and children's animator Damjana Golavsek, who impressed with her performance last year. She will be accompanied by St. Nicholas and, of course, the mischievous hoofed ones.

Come to await St. Nicholas ' arrival together and experience the festive charm of happy December.

Free admission.

More information: Tourist Association Kokra ( )

Obiščite čarobno Miklavževanje v Kokri. Turistično društvo Kokra s tem tradicionalnim dogodkom že vrsto let prinaša nasmehe na obraze otrok in odraslih. Letos se nam bo ponovno pridružila izjemna pevka in otroška animatorka Damjana Golavšek, ki je s svojim nastopom navdušila že lani. Družbo ji bosta delala Miklavž in seveda nagajivi parkeljni.

Pridite, da skupaj pričakamo Miklavžev prihod in doživimo praznični čar veselega decembra.

Vstop prost.

Več informacij: Turistično društvo Kokra ( )

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Turistično društvo Kokra
Location: Kokra, 4205 Preddvor